
Is $127k plus allowances a good salary for part time work?

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Your thoughts on Mark Vaile off attending to other business?We're not paying peanuts but get part time monkeys!,23599,23323647-5007133,00.html




  1. peanuts.

    my little brother earns $300K down the tunnel fixing the tunnelling machine

  2. He took annual leave and earned some money on the side?  Gosh.  How wicked.  I bet the journalists who are beating this up have never written and been paid for articles  for publications other than their primary employer.

    The fact that he and Costello and Downer and the rest are sitting warming their seats without contributing anything is a whole different issue.

  3. Dude, you could honestly have no idea how mother ******* hard politicans work.

    Don't even try to get S****y about this story. I vote Labour, but still, I appreciate the work all politicans do for us.

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