
Is 13 days enough to prepare myself for a math exam ?

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I know the subject, the only thing I need is to practise. Is 13 enough ? I have been preparing my self but now I am doing a full review.




  1. if you know what is going on in the subject, and you remember all the stuff thats been taught, yeah, 13 days is just about right for the exam.. it depends on the subject you have though.. i mean, if you have analytical geometry with 1000 formulas and you know only 100 of them, then you are going to have a bit of a hard time.. if it includes graph, travelling salesmen problem and stuf like that which needs you to know how to tackle those problems, i would play for 3 hours each day :)

    anyway, All the best for your exams >_<

  2. I guess, that would depend on the type of exam, where, when and how you are going to take it. But from my personal experience, 13 days would be more than enough, since you had been already preparing and you know the subject.

    Good Luck)

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