
Is 13 too young for a girl to start Ballet?

by Guest65223  |  earlier

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I've just turned 13, am female and havn't had thaaat much dance experiance. A year or two of hip hop and stuff and about a year of Ballet when I was 5 or 6. I'm really interested in starting Ballet again but I'm wondering... Is 13 too young for a girl to start ballet? Will I just embarress myself?

Plz help!

Katie =]




  1. No. My sister started when she was 6 years old. So if your 13 and you have a year's experience, you'll have a lot of catching up to do. Stick to your goals and don't let anyone stop you from doing something that you want to do.  

  2. i am a ballet dancer- and its definitely not too young, actually if you are going to pursue it you need to start now before it gets to late, most start at age 3-6 and continue their whole life. I'm not saying you are to old- but if i were you i would find a good studio soon- hope that helped :)

  3. actually alot of girls start at a young age. even toddlers can learn how to do it.

  4. no  

  5. Your definatly not to old to start dancing. The only thing that might put you down is that some of the other people in your class might be better then you but it's only because they  have been dancing longer then you so don't let that put you down.!!

  6. No you are not too young.  You will probably have a lot of catching up to do, since most girls dancing ballet by now are learning pointe or pre-pointe.  If your determined and practice a lot, you will go far!!!

  7. No, definately not! Here are some tips to keep you going!

    * Don't give up. If you feel something's too hard, just try your best.

    * Practice. Every dancer will tell you this. The more you practice, the more technique and experience you will get.

    * Come to all of your dance lessons. Don't miss a single one!

    * Work your backside off in your lessons. You won't regret it!

    * Take as many lessons as you can. The more the better, but it's OK if you can only do one class.

    * If you're allowed to do more than one class, these will help:

    Acrobatics/gymnastics. It's always good if you can do a trick or two.

    Classical Ballet. It helps with all styles of dance.

    Pilates/yoga. They also help with technique and flexibility.

    * Be healthy. If you're healthy, you'll be a good dancer, and I'm not talking about the technique.

    * Listen to any advice or tips any dancers have to give you.

    Don't worry, you're never too old. Trust me.

    I've seen a guy on a dance TV show, not SYTYCD, who impressed me by saying he only started dancing a year ago! He was about 30.

    And also 30 year old ladies do classical lessons and they're good!

    But also remember the world of dance is a tough one.

    Are you sure you want to spend your life with it?

    Dancing is hard and you don't get paid much for it.

    Maybe you should just do the lessons and practice, then get a job and if you see any auditions for dance shows such as So You Think You Can Dance, give it a go!

    But it's all your choice so do whatever you like.

    Hope I helped and good luck, welcome to the world of dance!


  8. dear katie,

    i started ballet when i was four. my cousin started i think at two or three. she is now 15 and competes in competions. she's pretty amazing.

    she's had a lot of experience. i asked her and she said that thirteen is ABSOLUTLEY not too young to start ballet! there is never an age limit

    good luck with the fabulous sport!

  9. I think you are the perfect age, my sister started at age seven.

  10. Nahh your not. I knew someone who started at 15 (:

    It's never too late or early.

  11. If you're thinking of being a top dancer as a profession, it is actually late.  There are women, however, who begin in teir 50's and 60's, so ... it really isn't an issue.  There seems to be a misunderstanding, though - whenever you learn something new, you are going to make errors, or you will learn very little at all.  If you had in mind to show extreme talent coming out of the gate, ballet isn't like that.  Ittakes dedication and time to demonstrate skill - that is why it is called a discipline.  It isn't like a line dance or the macarena, which are a lot of fun but not really disciplines.

    Ask around about local teachers, and ask if you can observe a lesson, or join a class on a trial basis.  Do check out more than one class..  And don't let anyone tell you that Turning Point is the defining ballet movie.  It's The Red Shoes....

  12. Well, it depends on what you want to do with ballet.  If you are thinking about making ballet a professional career, it is a little too late.  Girls usually transfer to a pre-professional school (like School of American Ballet) at the age of 11 or 12.  I don't want you to think that then you are too old and just give up because I truly believe that no dream is impossible if you work hard enough to achieve it.  However, you are definitely not too old to start ballet if you're doing it for fun, as a hobby, or exercise.  Defnitely try it and work hard and it will pay off.  Good luck, have fun dancing, and shoot for the stars (but don't forget to work your hardest otherwise your dreams won't come true.)  Feel free to email me if you have any questions or just want 2 talk about dance.

  13. your never too young or too old to dance!

  14. Of course not its never a wrong age to go for something that you are passionate about. Dance from your heart and there is no way you will feel embarrassed.

  15. There are a lot of girls who start ballet much younger than you.  If this is what you want to do then go for it.  Good luck.

  16. Definitely not! I started at thirteen and have gone on to dance on a professional level. Sabra who won so you think you can dance last year didn't start until she was 18! go for it! I don't know where you are located but there is a studio in Georgia that has a teen ballet class for girls just like you who want to start but don't want to have to start out with younger girls  

  17. Not at all too old.

  18. U are NEVER too young to dance!!!!!!!!  

  19. not 2 young at all. its better to start now than later

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