
Is 13 years of age to late to start concentrating on basketball?

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I have played basketball before in different clubs, but not that competitive!




  1. Its a bit late but if u practice every day for at least 3 hours and get one-on-one time with a good coach and start training hard you could be able to catch up with us who have been playing hard since third grade.

  2. its not to late yet lol  practice on your own   hit the court up every day by yourself get good  practice join the school team  youre still young

  3. i dont think so.... if you really want it then go for it i mean there isn't a age limit..... like i never really even knew how to play bball but last year (7th grade) my friends llike will you try out for bball with me... so i did i love it i made the team so thats something i am going to do... i am am starting at 13 you can tpp

  4. its neva to late to concentrate on basketball..just give your best out there..!

  5. its not late i started playing when i was 10 but i got more into the game and more concentrated  on play when  i was 12

  6. not if you have the natural talent for it some current nba stars didn't even start until they were in high school  

  7. 13 is not too late at all. Its middle school basketball, and this is time to start building up your game and getting experience. The fact that you were in clubs is going to give you an extra edge for when you go to basketball tryouts. Its not going to be the same as the clubs though! You better be ready for tryouts and make that basketball team. 13 is a great age to start focusing, and its not too late at all!!! Practice and make that basketball team!

  8. No.  But you will have to practice by yourself to and not just at practice because im sure the other kids have been playiing for longer and have more experience.  but you could do it.  I have been playing since i was 9 or 10 and some people didn't start till or 7th grade year which is 12 or 13.  Good luck

  9. Well if you've played in different clubs, you're probably decent at basketball. But you need to know that there are some new rules (in case you don't already know). You can now to back court defense, and there is also something called a Zone Defense, which just means you're guarding no one in particular, you're just in your own zone, and you have to guard anyone that comes in your zone. You could totally make the team. Trust me, I know. I've been playing basketball for 8 years, and there are people who's first year it is, and at the end of the year they are one of our best players. Just be prepared to go onto that basketball court not being the "best" one there. Just practice, practice, PRACTICE, and you'll be at the same level as the rest of your team in no time. Remember, don't stop playing what you love just cause you might not be the best, cause there's always room for improvement. Follow your dreams!

  10. 13 is a good number to start concentrating. You will find pleasure in thought.  

  11. i started when i was 10 and now im pretty amazing no 13 is not late but i hit the court for 5 hours a day if you really concentrate you can be very good

  12. no

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