
Is 14 too old to start go-karting for an F1 career?

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Hi, i'd like to know if at my age im past the suggested starting age for go-karting in order to get a career in Formula 1... i would have started when i was 8 or 9.......if i'd have know ABOUT go-karting. if it is, does anyone know of any shortcuts or atleast any good (not too expensive) go karting places near middx? thanks in advance (and please keep any unpleasant comments to yourselves)




  1. It is late to start, but it's not too late if you're good at it!

    Don't put all your dreams on making it into F1 though, it's a very tough process and even people who have excelled in all other formulas sometimes struggle in F1.

  2. its not TOO late, but its a very late time 2 start. normally drivers ur age are doing competition races around the country. it can be done, but dont leave it too long

  3. It's not too late, the trouble is, it's very expensive.If you have talent you may be able to get a sponsor, but, you have to prove it.Good luck.

  4. u just have to be FAST.. i don't think age matters as long as your winning lol

    but ya.. don't make F1 your only target, because its HARD think about it.. theres currently only 20 formula 1 drivers! 20! out of thousands or millions of people.. only 20 are chosen!

    but karting can lead to other careers in racing

  5. To be honest,  you want to be racing now..  

    If you questioning costs now..... forget it ... as its money and the biggest unseen cost time .... you need a family behind you dedicated to be with you at every step , every race, venue up and down the UK  

    Sponorship helps and if you have the talent, and reliabilty , and wins .... it should come to you

    I sponsor a F2 brisca team ... with fuel for there van to get them around UK events  ....  Ok it costs me,  but I do have the belief in the guy,  and if it wasnt for me  he would not get to all the events .....   I am one of many people , he approached and did some cold calling on ....

  6. Its not to late. Get into gearbox karting 16 is the min age to get into it, I went into to it a 17, but I'm 22 now and not doing it but that because I am moving to Aus. There is talent from Gearbox Karting going into motor sport, but you do need a fair bit of money behind you, believe me it helps allot.

    My Gearbox Kart cost me with engine and chassis £5000, that's before I bought all the other gear you need.

    I had a test day in a Formula Audi single seater and that cost me £1000 for a days testing, the amazing thing I found was how similar in handling my Kart was to the Audi single seater.They asked me to race for a season which would cost £60,000 which I could not afford.

    I raced a lad in karting and he was fast but not the fastest but he is now racing an Ascari but he did have a rich family. There is lots of fast lads that I raced who all want to get into motor sport but it is the ones with the money I have raced and seen that are moving up into cars, but if you are really good and have abit of money and be in the rite place at the rite time you never know.

    Trust me though look up Gearbox Karts, 0-60 in 2.5 secs and can be geared up to 120mph, its fast, competitive and could lead to a motor sport career, but there is quick quick lads out there and there still Karting, so don't bank on getting into motor sports.

    Good luck, I hope I have helped you and maby put you in the rite direction.

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