
Is 155gr or 190gr broadhead better

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Is 155gr or 190gr broadhead better




  1. WOW what are you shooting?? elk?

    lol i use 100's most of the time and 125's for my lighter long distance arrows

  2. I prefer the lighter broadheads myself I shoot a mere 100 grain broadhead myself as i don't think that the grains matter as much as shot placement.

  3. it all depends on your bow wieght, arrow wieght and length. I personally use 125 gr. it is the best all around wieght

  4. Go with the 155 grain- the 190 grain will work, but the trajectory of the arrow will be like a rainbow. But 20 yards and under it wont matter.What ever grain you shoot, make sure the field poins weigh the same that you practice with- There will be a world of difference in the impact spot with a lightweight point and a heavyweight broadhead. It's time for you to get all this sorted out and start practicing. Hunting season is almost here.

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