
Is 16 to old to?

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Start ballet? I've always been interested in dance, I started when I was 3 but quite after about 2 or 3 years of doing it but I've never lost love for dance, am' I to old to start up ballet? Mind you I don't remember what I did when I was younger but I think I would enjoy and appreciate it more now that I'm older, I guess I don't want to be the newcomer whos 16 and has no experiance once so ever




  1. No if you like it you sould go fore it my best friend is 16 and just started its ok it's just go for it

  2. I don't think that you're too old to start, just take a class for older beginners. You shouldn't necessarily try to lose weight but work out for stronger core and leg muscles and stretch because flexibility will help you in dance.

  3. Not too old.

  4. just forget our figure and go for it! i know a girl that started when she was 16 and she is just great now!

  5. 16 is not too old to learn how to spell and use proper grammar!

  6. no i think ballet is beautiful as well. im 13 and i doubt ill get to start until im old enough to pay for it myself. but dont worry about what others think, think about how you would regret it if you never tried.

  7. definately not too old i started gymnastics at the age of 14

  8. no its not to young, this past year 2 girls joined my strength class (which is like a ballet class) and they have been doing great and are coming so far. so go for it girl!

  9. 16 is not too old.  I dances for 6 years when i was younger and had to move on at the age of 10.  I had been out of dance for several years before going back at the age of 28.  If you want it go for it, its never too late.  I was ready for point, but had to move so I've been out again for about a month now.  As far as your size.  Don't worry about it.  Once you start dancing, all of your body will reshape to lean trim muscles and you will slim down.  Dancing takes a lot of work so stay focused and don't give up.  Remember you are going to get very sore so be prepared and do lots of stretching and drink lots of water.

    Good luck!!

  10. No, definitely not. If ballet is something you love you should go for it. I started playing golf again when I was 14 after quitting when I was 5 and it was great because I was stronger and I could learn faster. Ballet will be the same for you. You will be able to learn quickly and get very far very fast. As long as you're willing to practice you should totally do it. If it's something you really want to do you should go for it. You'll have a blast!

  11. Never too old to do it for fun. :)

    I don't know about doing it professionally because that needs years of training.

  12. It's never to late to start!! Go after your dreams and you can do it!

    Maybe this site could help you  :)

  13. I definately don't think 16 is too old to start anything. Dance is such an enjoyable sport. Not doing it because you think you are too old would be a shame! :)

  14. If i'm quite honest 16 is quite old if you want to do ballet on a competitive and a high level. I think that if you've missed out on that many years of training it's going to be very tough to catch up.

    I recommend going to a dance school which hasn't got a particularly high level of dance so you can get some basic training. I think it's great that you want to take up ballet and weight issues should never hold you back but be warned ballet can be extremely frustrating. Good luck to you though!

  15. Well, the age that they usually start is 12 years old, but i guess spending tons of money, practising your butt of, an a little dedication will get you caught up!!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  16. I think you should give it a try.
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