
Is 17 too old to start a acting career

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Is 17 too old to start a acting career




  1. I don't think so. Some people don't even take off until they are 17

  2. Of course not.  Think about it: plays, movies and TV have parts for people who are like all the people around, so of course they need actors who are all those ages, too.  And by starting now you'll be avoiding a whole lot of bad habits that some people who start really young develop.

    Go for it if it's what you want.  Find good classes, a good training program, develop your skills.  Good luck on your journey.

  3. Of course not. Many successful actors didn't start until around your age.  

  4. Nope a great age you're almost 18, a lot of people hire people 18+ because they dont have to pay for tutoring and they can hold you longer than minors.

  5. h**l Naw. Lol.

    Of Course Not.

    People Over 70 Still get Acting Jobs.

    17 is a Good age to start it because your head on a good and you know what you want out of life.

    Do ya Thang Girl

    Good luck

    Email me your success

  6. Never is too late, there are characters for every age. ! Just pursue it, perform, perform, perform, in any possible play to get seen by as many people possible... You also have to identify a style that you want. A person, group, or company that really make you think "I want to do that". Find a way to  practice with their technique (and i said practice, besides study). practice is finally what will get you on stage in a solid way. Make yourself clear if you want either a JOB or an artistic activity that will make you happy. Being notorious is not necessary being talented, or, even worse, it will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in plays that you dont really like. The commercial circuit not always cross roads with the pure artistic lane, so you have to be focused in what you deeply wish. Welcome! Best of luck

  7. nope!!! im sixteen and im already starting my acting career. some people start even younger!

  8. no way!!! i mean a lot of the well; paying jobs don't even start until you are at least that age and you aren't even officially an adult yet... i do reccommend getting some training and experience fast, although us in the theater world know experience doesn't just happen overnight. check out your local community theater... Hey ! you gotta start somewhere!  

  9. Nope. Just in time to major in performing arts or theater in college! You're also on the verge of qualifying for adult roles!

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