
Is 17 too young to get married?

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Is 17 too young to get married?




  1. Yes


  2. Yes i was 19 when i got married the 1st time it lasted about 9 years cuz we grew up and were 2 different ppl we did have 3 kids i wouldn't trade for the world ......well that would depend on the day i guess lol J/K

    but back to your question yes 17 is way too young  

  3. 17 is not too young to get married. This is America and you can just about do what you want too. If the State law in Georgia allows a 16 yr old girl to lay down with a 50 yr old man then I guess you can get married at 17.

  4. Yes.  

  5. Not if you know you can handel it. And no matter what it will be hard and most 17 year olds are not mature enough for the commitment and responsibility of marriage. If you think you can handle it say all the luck in the world and there is always divorce.  

  6. It is too young, but I admire your valor.

  7. Well most people are going to say yes and it probably is but there are many marriages that have lasted even though they got married at 17.  Really no1 takes you seriously when you get married at 17 you start your married life with other people looking their noses down at you and that really isn't the right way to start your married life its sad i know....I got together with my husband at 16 and when we were 18 ish we wanted to get married but didn't for that exact reason we are still together now and married when we were 23 we now have a baby and are happy but it doesn't always work out like that...I suppose it just depends on do you care what other people think? do you really need to get married right now? and obviously you will say yes to this but are you in love?   You will know whats right to do deep down inside.

  8. Way too young... What's the big hurry?

  9. yes. especially a girl. It's a fact that the brain of a female is not fully developed until the age of about 25, so she will continue to change in her personality dramatically. For males, it's about 30. So why not just grow up first so you know what you really want??? I'm 27 and realize that I had NO IDEA what marriage was about at 17. I admit, I actually was pretty confused about what it was about, the commitment involved, what my role means, etc. It's just a thought process that is hard to understand at that age because until they are fully developed and mature, those that young are very egocentric.

  10. Yes, it is way too young.  Why would anyone want to rush into what is supposed to be a lifetime commitment at 17?  Have fun, get an education, there is plenty of time to get married later when you have matured.

  11. Yes!! People change so much between the ages of 18 and 22. You might not think that anything will change, that you will love this person forever, but it's just not usually how things work. You don't expect to change, but it happens. Give yourself a few more years at least!!

  12. how long  have you been together msg me

  13. 17 is way too young to get married...why the rush?

  14. I would say yes and I am answering from experience although my husband and I are still happily married close to 15 years after getting married at 17 and 19.  

    The reason I am saying this is because I think it is almost a miracle we are still married considering all the changes people go through in their late teens and early twenties.  Therefore, there is more of a chance of you guys growing apart.  Many people will think you are crazy (rightfully so) but if everything works out (and that is a big IF!) guys will have a great relationship going through all the changes life brings together.  However, with that being said you are probably going to do what you want anyway the same as we did.  It did work for us but remember you should not rush considering we had to pay for our own bills a lot longer, pay for our own college tuition, etc.

    I still strongly suggest "don't do it" not because my personal situation is not a happy marriage, but because I think it is very, very rare it works.  We also do not "advertise" how young we were married because we want the best for our children.  Therefore, we want to encourage them to go to college, get married and have a family in the usual order.  Why work so hard for things when you can wait as well as have more time to be young and carefree?  

  15. need to be 40-30

  16. It's way too young.  Most 17-year-olds aren't mature enough to deal with the responsibilities and commitments of marriage--and it doesn't help matters when you throw a baby or two into the mix.  

  17. Totally!  You can't drink, or buy cigarettes, or vote even.

  18. i think you need to be 18 for a same s*x marriage though.

  19. 17 is WAY too young to get married.  What's the rush?

  20. usually just a FEW years down the line, people always come on here and say

    "we were very young when we married, but things are not just working out, how do i get a divorce."

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