
Is 17 years old still considered a kid? or...?

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i mean..i know i'm a teenager - but it's like the middle stage between childhood and adulthood. it's pretty scary since i don't really feel like an adult, but everyone is like "you're not a child anymore" blahblah. so yeah i was wondering if anyone had any theories on this? is it normal to not feel like an adult at this age? i don't feel like a child either though, don't get me wrong! it's really hard to explain




  1. your a child.

  2. You probably won't feel like an adult until you get that first bill in the mail to your home address or when you're walking into your dorm room at a college. When you're 17, I think it's okay to still feel young, because most likely you're still living with your parents and not even out of highschool yet.

    You're not a child, but you are old enough to know better.

  3. I felt the same way at 17. Just accept the responsibility of your parent's rules and you'll be an adult soon enough.

  4. technically you are a minor child until you are 19 unless you are emancipated.  although really adulthood is more a state of mind than an age.

  5. at 17 your still legally a kid. Although mentally you may be adult. People don't usually see others as adults till there about 21-25.

    If you want to be seen like an adult act like one. Be responsible and mature.  If you do the whole, parting, getting smashed and all, you'll be seen as a kid who is allowed to do adult things, untill you grow out of that stage.

    Good luck with this

  6. well, you are not a child, so that 's correct.  Since our culture has arbitrarily assigned the 'age of majority" as being 18, that's the legal age of being an adult..  But, you can't buy alcohol if you are not 21 or over, and 19 says you're still a teenager.  It's really confusing.  I still havne't figured out what you are at 20,when you're not a teenager, and not old enough to buy a beer.  Who made up these silly rules anyway??

  7. This is probably one of the best questions I have seen on here :)

    Ages 15 through say 18-19 depending on maturity - I would label that age the trial adult age.  You aren't really a kid anymore, nor are you able to do everything you have been so used to doing as a teenager, nor are you an adult.  No, you aren't a kid anymore.  But you aren't an adult either.  I get the dilemna.

    I would say this is practice for adulthood.  You do your best and learn from your mistakes.  Obviously right, duh!!! But it really counts here.  This is when the big-time is about to hit and you are about to go through the "big bang" of turning into an adult.

    Every decision really counts here.  It will count even more when you are an adult (really) and you can't take it back.  Every decision you make will affect the rest of your life.   No kidding!  I have experience with that and wish to high heaven I could change some things.

    So, do your best.  Take the initiative (as hard as it may be)  If you want something, practice doing it for yourself.

    Good luck on your long road.

  8. i know what you mean. I'm 17 but I've acted like i was 30 since i was about six. Just hold it out. It's a very stressful age where your between a child and an adult. You're neither. Your best of both worlds right now.

    Take advantage of that. You'll be fine. Just keep up with responsibilities and continue to be mature at times and places where appropriate. While with friends be yourself even if it's the little kid in your fooling around. That's normal. Good luck.

    mel =]  

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