
Is 18 years old a late age for someone to lose their virginity? I heard 17 is average. when is it considered ?

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early or late to lose it?




  1. That is considered late to lose it.

    It's up to you though. you shouldnt follow that because its how you feel and how ready you are. I think that its a good thing.

  2. the avrage age is 22.....u kno like when u get married! dont do it now! wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The average is 16 1/2 look up the info, i lost mine at age of 16...High School babyyyy thats what it does to ya  

  4. The average age is 16-18, so you're right about that, but in reality, "average" doesn't really matter.  This needs to be a personal decision.  And to speak from my heart, I would really suggest waiting until you're married.  It's so much more meaningful then.  I lost mine at 19, and while it wasn't a bad experience, once I got married (at 25) and was with my husband, I realized how much better it would have been to have waited.  Plus, then my husband wouldn't have been so hurt by the fact that I'd been with someone else (I had been engaged before).  Really .. don't worry about averages.  Wait until it's right, preferably when you're married.

    To answer the rest of your question, I think it's considered "early" if you're under 15 and considered "late" if you're over 40.

  5. I think it is considered late in the US. Not sure about other places. It seems like lots of people don't save themselves anymore here.

    Whatever you decide, make sure you are sure about yourself and the person you are with. I am super late... a 28 year old virgin. Still haven't found that someone I'm looking for.

  6. It is whatever time you want to lose it. Not whenever the average is!

  7. Wait until your married.

  8. it doesnt matter when

    its when YOU are ready

    dont follow statistics. follow your heart and your head.

  9. No, it's not late. If that's when you feel comfortable, it's the right age. Don't go by what everyone else is doing, go with what makes you comfortable and when you're ready. People who hold on to their virginity longer (especially women) are a rare breed and are to be admired.

  10. its when you feel mature enough and ready for it. age doesnt decide it. you know your self better than anyone else.

  11. Darlin's:  we don't "lose" our virginity. We give it away - and all too often to the wrong person for the wrong reasons.  Then we have a long lifetime of regret.

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