
Is 18 years old to late to start skateboarding?

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I use to skateboard alittle when I was real young (age 8-10) but have in years. Now im 18 and trying to get back into skateboarding but I feel like a real beganer because im not even balanced on the board yet. Is 18 years is to late to wait to start skating? I want to eventually enter Amateur competitions but Im afraid everyone my age will be 10x better than me.




  1. no, not at all, its actually better that your starting later. its easier to start skating at a later age becaue all the trick will come easier, also with bigger feet you will have better board control, just practice riding around on a flat surface or buy a kicker ramp.

  2. its not too late dude

    u just gotta commit to it skate everyday

    ull learn fast if u pratice alot

    if u wanna get sponsered then u gotta work harder

    but if u just wanna skate for fun it dont matter

  3. No. I think it's okay to learn now.

  4. its never too late; its not about how good you are man.... its about having fun, most skaters will be nice to you regardless of you skill level.

  5. No, its never to late to start skateboarding.

  6. if your honestly trying to make it a career for you, it might be too late, but just for something to do, its never too late

  7. i think it's fine =]

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