
Is 19.9993 billiion barrels of oil consumed per day a lot for the us?

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Is 19.9993 billiion barrels of oil consumed per day a lot for the us?




  1. WHERE did you get this figure???

  2. I think there is some mistake with the figure you are giving. the figure is almost correct but it should refer to million barrels per day (bbl/day) and not to billion. If we assume that we talk about the figure I know then YES these are to much because the US is using 20,730,000 bbl/day to produce a GDP of 13,194,700 million USD (0.63 million per bbl of oil) while other countries produce much more per bbl of oil. Germany for example is using 2,650,000 bbl/day to produce a GDP of 2,915,867 million USD (that is 1.1 million per bbl of oil). The US has a very bad index regarding the energy (and oil) intensity of the economy.

  3. Edit: Oops, sorry, the actual figure is in millions of barrels a day, not billions. Oil - consumption: 20.73 million bbl/day (2004 est.)  is the most current estimate I can find.  Source?  It's from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  Our goverment.

  4. No.  We need to have a bigger supply to bring the costs down.

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