
Is 19 Months too young to start Potty Training?

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Is 19 Months too young to start Potty Training?




  1. It depends on the child. I never pushed potty training. I introduced the potty and pretty much let them take it from there. They started using the potty when they were ready to. There was no stress on the kids or myself. Before anyone asks, no none of them went off to kindergarten wearing diapers ;-)

  2. you can introduce them to the potty like right b4 bath time, or bed time. but it is still young to expect them to totally potty train.    

  3. potty training doesn't have as much to do with age as it does with wheather the child is ready yet. if you have a little one that knows when they are wet comes to you to be changed when they have gone in their diaper then you are ready to start. i would buy a potty and some pull-ups, a bunch of stickers for when they go and good luck. the most important thing i can say is don't give any negative feedback when they have an accident. it will just make them hide and think pottying is bad.  good luck.

  4. nope my daughter was trained at 14months. i am starting my son now and he is 12 months.

  5. no, my oldest was trained at 14 months and the youngest at 16 months.  i bought them a little flash light to carry to the bathroom at night, i woke them up at least once until they were good and trained.  and no drinks after 8 until really trained.  its awful having older children who arent trained.  my step daughter is seven and daddy still has her in diapers at night.  plus he will load her down with plenty to drink before bed and the fuss when she wakes up soaked.  go figure

  6. I don't think it is to young to tell you the truth I think it's perfect because they are old enough to understand what you are saying and teaching them. Another thing it's better to start now while they are young because soon it will get harder and harder to get them to sit still so like I said it's not to young.  

  7. Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how far along she is. Can she pull her pants up and down with little or no help? Can she follow simple directions? Does she show discomfort at a messed diaper? Can she tell you when she's messed herself? If she's able to do those things, she's ready. If not, it may be best to wait for a little while. I began training at 18 months and was fully trained (day and night) by 20 months with a few accidents at night, but that's it.

  8. no my little cousin is 16months and she is potty trained except at night

  9. NO i Started to Potty Train my son at 1 year old and in like 2 weeks was potty trained, and maybe like 6 to 8 months later i felt comfortable enough to leave him overnight with out a pull up and so now he's 3 it's great because i have a little sister and cousin the same age who are still in Diapers, 1st of all if you have a little girl this could cause problems for her ( ie..uti's unrinary tract infec. ) terrible rash, and the the bigger they get the worse the diaper changing gets. So Good Job STARTING early!!! if you need any tips e- mail me !!! GOOD LUCK, try rewarding your lil one after going to the Big boy/girl potty they'll love it want want to go more often!!!

  10. no it is not.thats normal for parents to start potty training around 1yr nd a half so 19 months is perfect .the sooner the better

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