
Is 19 to young to be pregnant??

by Guest63413  |  earlier

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I would just like to know....I am 12wks 2d pregnant and I will be 20 by the time the baby is born and my fiance will be 19. Everyone keeps saying I am too young but I look at all these 13 and 14 year old girls that are pregnant and I am just shocked. I am going to school and work full-time same with my fiance. So in my eyes I think we are already on a good start for a good home for our child. I would just like other opinions thanks.




  1. Well it's too late to talk about young now. If you're keeping it then that's it. People shouldn't tell you you're too young since what's done is done. Of course it would have been better if you had been finantially stable (meaning you were out of college, both had degrees and stablel well paying jobs with benefits) before you had a child. A good start can end up with a bad end so just take precautions. Being pregnant now might delay your studies, keep you from advancing in a career etc. It happens. So just remember that this early start will come with additional challenges. I am waiting until both of us are married and finantially stable (somewhere in my late 20s) before I think of having a child. These children going around having babies so young all have them because they had accidents. Kids are having s*x so early they might as well be having s*x inside the woumb. Hopefully the school will have facilities where you can leave your child while you study. If both of you work full time then remember that your child will not get the same amount of attention from you or him as if one of you stayed home. So figure out if you can survive on one income and see where that takes you. The child would suffer from being left at a daycare center every day.

    Congratulations and hope your pregnancy goes well.

  2. not too young to get pregnant - therefore if you make the choice to be in that situation, you're not too young to be pregnant.  I was pregnant at 19, and now have a 5 year old.  I'm pregnant with my 3rd child, and will be married to my husband for 6 years this december.  It is entirely possible if YOU make it happen.  Best wishes!!!

  3. 19 is kinda young, I had my first at 17 though and everything has worked out just fine for me. I'm 20 and pregnant w/ #2!! Good luck!

  4. Calculate the cost of raising a kid via the link in my source list.

    If you can afford that cost, since you're going to marry soon, you'll probably be okay. Good luck.

  5. i just turned 20 in july and my baby is 3 months now i have no regrets i just think when he is in high school we will be able to relate just make sure you have help from dad or family i say go all for it sweety you'll be great ever need advice write :D

  6. It all depends on the person...some woman get pregnant carelessly and are irresponsible and immature about being pregnant...and not only teen moms are like that...some woman are 25 or 30 and are not ready for a baby. 19 is too young if you are not mentally capable of caring for a baby. teens and 20 something women who wind up pregnant and who are not in a stable relationship are not in a good position to be a mom...if you have your sh*t together then you should be fine...I mean I had my first born when I was 18 years old...the people who knew my age thought I was too young but woman from my prenatal classes thought that I was about 25 and were surprised at how young I was...I became friends with most of them and they are in their late 20's. I am now 19 and 32 weeks along with my second. The due date is exactly 2 weeks before my 20th birthday. I am married and live in my own place with my husband and son...everything is perfect! I wouldnt change anything in my life.

    In my opinion, you sounds very mature and responsible and are obviously in a good and commited relation to you I must say CONGRATS! and good luck! Enjoy it!

  7. i think personally from about 19 is ok to have a baby maybe 18 at the youngest. I would say dont worry about what people say enjoy your pregnancy and good luck xx

  8. No, I had my son when I was 18 and I was just fine. Don't let other people influence your decision. Also, I found that my body went right back to normal, because young people are so resillient.. Good luck!

  9. I was 19 when I got pregnant. I'm 20 now, but I think that age doesn't matter, maturity does. I'm married with a steady income and a stable relationship. I don't see how my age makes me any different than a 30 year old.

  10. **** what people think. im 17 and i will be 18 by the time my little joy is born and my boyfriend turns 18 right when the baby is due lol. i say if ur happy and hes happy and u think u are ready for a baby dont let what people think bring you down. im very proud of being pregnant and i wouldnt wish it otherwise.  

  11. a stable relationship, financially able, mature and responsible... i think you are ok. there are 17 year olds that are mature enough and can do the baby thing, and there are 25 year olds that are not... it depends on you and your attitude, your situation and maturity level. i think you are ok on this. dont listen to anyone else, if you are happy and future husband are happy, then thats all that matters

  12. I just turned 20 when i had my first and I got those reactions too. Just say, "my goal is to pop 5 more out by the time I'm 25, I like to think of myself like a rabbit." That normally shuts people up unless they are truly just idiots.

  13. I had my first child at 19 and she is now 5 years old and has a better life than some of the children in my family who have parents a lot older than my husband and I.  It's not always about the age but about maturity and how you handle responsibility.  I think that if I had it to do over again I would do it just the same.  Congrats!!

  14. I'm 13w 5d and I will turn 20 two months before baby is due. I don't think its too young. I'm going to school through on line classes. However, the father isn't completely in the picture right now. I also *had* to quit my job because of complications and the inability of them to allow me to do anything the dr said (drink lots of fluids, have a small something to eat every hour or so I mean just like crackers, pee when I had to - you know how important that is :-) and sit down occasionally because of complications) but my parents pretty much made me move home and I will be working in my mom's bookstore in exchange for help when baby comes.  

  15. im 19 and pregnant also.

    ill have my baby a couple of weeks before i turn 20 though.

    you have nothign to worry about.

    we are going to have rough patches in our life. but we can do it :)

    the people that are saying that kind of stuff is just worried for you.

    thats how i look at it.

    my mom is worried about me and tells me all the time im to young.

    GOOD LUCK :)


  16. well im not gonna lie, it IS really hard having a baby when you're young...i was 18 when i found out i was pregnant, 19 when i had my baby girl and ill be 20 in november...while its hard its also the best thing youll ever do :) so good luck and congrats

  17. I don't think it is the age 19 that matters so much as the person.  I was 19 when I got pregnant, turned 20 a month later and will obviously be 20 when my little  boy is born in October, and I don't feel like I am too young to have a baby, but I have plenty of friends my age and older that are certainly not mature enough to have a baby.  It all depends on the maturity level of the person, and people who say you're too young are probably just wondering how you're going to work full time, go to school full time, and take care of a baby full time.  I am sure it will be  A LOT  and probably much easier if you would have finished school before having a baby, but things happen, and I'm sure you'll be just fine.  good luck on your pregnancy

  18. congrats, having a child is a wonderful gift.  as long as you have a good support system, and love the h**l out of the kid, all should be well!  good luck.

  19. I found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks after my 18th birthday. It was hard but now I am 26 and she is almost 8 and I like being a young mom.  :)   If you feel you are ready.. then who cares what other people say.  It's your choice!  

  20. Well I'm 18 and 3 months pregnant.

  21. I'm 20 right now and 13 weeks pregnant, i'll have my baby a few weeks before my 21st. I think if you are at the right spot in your life then there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being a young mother, in my opinion being a young parent is the best thing. I've been married for almost a year and i've always dreamed of a family. This way when they are older you'll still be able to have fun with them and be a "cool" parent, and when they are old enough for college you and your husband are still young enough to do things like travel, etc. So personally I don't think age matters at all.  

  22. You will most likely get some negatives comments, but in all honestly you both are working and going to school. Age doesn't always have to mean everything. My SIL and her fiance is about to have a baby and they both just turned 20 last month.  They have older people who drink, do drugs, and abuse their children so what is the difference from them and younger people? Just the fact they older, but they are not giving their children the love and encouragement and everything they child needs. They are not setting a good example what so ever. I had someone a few weeks ago tell me I wasn't going to be a good mother because I'm fat, lazy, and only 21. And you know I took that to heart, but when I thought about it that came from someone who is 42, has 2 children, 2 and 11, and she gets DRUNK I mean seriously pass out drunk in front of her children and the father smokes weed in front of them. I don't drink or do drugs and neither does my DH. I plan on taking care of my child and being there for him/her no matter what. So what it all comes down to just because you're young doesn't mean anything. People mature at different ages and you and your fiance should be great parents and if you think ya'll ready than don't listen to anyone else. Because it's just their opinion and it doesn't really matter.

  23. i think that if you can take care of your self by your self than ok. but i don't know a 14 year old that has a full time job and goes to school. i hope that helped you.

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