
Is 19 to young to have a baby????

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I am 19 years old, have a full time job, have been with my partner for 3 years. We are trying to concieve but I was just wondering if you think I'm to young to have a baby?




  1. It's not about age, it's about maturity.

    And seeing that you don't even know the difference between "too" and "to", I'd say, you're too young.

  2. Well I had my first at 18 but I was married and I was able to stay home with my children.  Have you thought about all that, working/staying home/paying for daycare or bills?  So no it's not too young as long as you are mature enough.

  3. I dont think you can really base it on age. It varies from person to person depending on your own maturity level.

    I'm 19, I'll be 20 in january and my boyfriend and I are expecting in october, wasnt planned, but we are so excited, and are both defintily ready.

  4. well let see you have a job and he has a job and you have been together for three years and seem to be able to raise a baby so why not have one, the only issue i have is that you aren't married. but that isn't a big deal, i have a son and i'm not married, but then i didn't ask to get pregnant i just got pregnant as a result of being raped. i was a virgin, well there went that unwillingly. i was also 17, and today i am going to college with one year left, and am working on going to seminary next fall, and also raising my son with the love and support of my family. do i wish i didn't have my son, at times when i know things would be easier and knowing i wasn't ready for it, but God turned a bad moment into a good life with him so i don't regret keeping him. i say since you have things going for you you aren't too young, though i would say yes if you didn't have anything going for you.

  5. I had just turned 19 when my husband and I started trying to conceive. We were both working very well paying full-time jobs and neither of us went to college. I quit after I got pregnant because I had stress related complications, but my husband makes enough money to fully support our family and I am now rejoining the workforce, by choice. Now we have a wonderful 9 months old son and own our home at just 21.

    Having a child isn't about age, it's about maturity and how well you and your partner can handle the responsibility that comes along with having a child. It's not just about being financially stable either. When you have a child that baby becomes your primary focus. My friend had a child at the same age I did, but she regrets it because she and her partner can no longer go out to dinner whenever they feel like it, they can't take off on last minute mini-vacations like they used to. All these things factor in. If you are ready to "sacrifice" those things for a child then you are ready. I personally don't see it as a sacrifice, I see it as a shift in lifestyle that I was very happy to make :)

  6. No its not to young, im 19 and 20weeks pregnant with baby #2

  7. I'm 18 & married to a man Ive been with for 4 years!

    Having a child in 9 weeks.

    I agree-

    raising children has nothing to do with your age.

    As long as you can provide for there "NEEDS" not "wants"..

    And your mature enough to handle what comes along with it.

    Then your good as gold :)

  8. You are not to young. Age ain't nothing but a number. Just make sure you are READY!!!!!! Think before jumping in feet first.

  9. Not too young if you are ready & mature enough.  

  10. yes it is. you may be responsible now but you really change a lot between 19 and 22 and up until you are 30. having a child will complicate the natural maturation for you. if you want to have kids, you will still want to when you are  25, 29, and 30 and beyond. So just wait, you will be happy that you did. Travel together, have lots of fun. You are so young!  

    also watch this video.....

  11. Personally, I think so.

    But what we think doesn't matter.  If you and your partner are financially stable and have a loving relationship then you might be ready.

    Good luck :)

  12. As long as you are ready for a lifelong commitment.

    I was barely 17 when I had my son and I know i'm young but to me, my age doesn't make a difference. Me and my boyfriend are able to support our son 100%. We both love him very much and he is our world!

    I am graduating in 5 more months (6 months early!) and will also be going to University. I truly believe I was ready. There is nothing that makes me happier than my son. I love when he wakes up and I see his little smiling face peeking between the crib bars. It just melts me.

    Good luck!

  13. It sounds like you have a stabile relationship, steady job and an education. I'm 20 and having my first and dont even have my own house  yet! I think the question is not about age, more about are you and your partner ready to be parents? It changes the relationship entirely, and def. finacially! i say if you are in a stable happy healthy relationship and doing well finacially, the choice is yours and your partners and good luck!!

  14. i also think it is about maturity. no offensive, and i mean this as sincerely as possible, but i think you are naive about havign a baby. maybe not. im 19 and i know its hard work, but i just watched my cousins baby for a five hours last week. after the postpartum depression (maybe) you may breastfeed, which wipes you out. even then you will still be making formula. trying to get the baby to eat. when thats done its almost time to eat again. in between this, and you will obv be at home while your parter works, you will have to put the baby to sleep, play with the baby, carry the baby around and talk to her/him. then you will have to clean at least a little, do laundry, someone will have to shop for food. are you sure youre ready to give up you life yet? your kid will scream. do you have good insurance? oh yeah, change diapers and buy a million devices that assist your child as he/she grows. just a thought. good luck. i dont mean to insult your intelligence btw.

  15. I dont think you are too young... i think you are strong for wanting to have a baby, and are ready to have a baby!

    I wish you all the best for ttc, and god bless you x*x

  16. No i don't think so.  I'm 19 my husband and I have been married for 1 year, and been together for 4 years.  We are currently TTC.

    If you and your partner and ready i think you should go for it.  Although you should keep in mind that having a baby will put alot of pressure on your relationship.

    We lost our first baby at 6 months due to weak cervix 9 months ago and are trying again. Take some time to think about it and if you think your ready go for it!

    Good luck!

  17. Hi there,

    I think it really depends on the person. Me at 19 - way too young! But when i was 19 i was at Uni, binge drinking, smoking cigarettes, living on vegemite on toast & working part-time for peanuts at a gift shop.

    I am now a 30yr old professional, married to a wonderful man, I earn good income & own a house but some days i still wonder whether i am mature enough!

    You sound like a responsible, mature person. Good luck!

  18. I don't think so as long as you're emotionally able to handle it. I think a lot of people overlook how hard it can be physically and emotionally on a woman for so many reasons so just make sure you are ready. I had my first at 19 and my second will be born in 3 months at 21 and Ive been married 3 years.

  19. yes. far too young. your not even done with college yet. or did you not go to college? in case of which, nevermind that point.

  20. I don't think so, as long as you are mature enough, financially stable and in a good relationship.

    I'm 18 and pregnant. It was planned, but before my fiance and I decided to have a baby, we had to think about the effect on our lives, plus the money side of things. If we had no stability, financially or emotionally, it would not have been considered. there are so many things you have to think of before it happens. Money, The effect of having a baby on your lives, etc.

  21. Honestly, its not about age. It's about maturity. You seem very, very mature for your age so thats a plus. Just make sure that you know what you're doing. If I were you I would give it a year. Get even a little older and enjoy being single, then you can get pregnant. Because once you are you can never go back to your single life. Go out a lot with your husband and enjoy being married just the two of you. Then get married. Travel, dates, etc.  

  22. na go with your instincts and forget about what others think its up to you and your is what it is....

  23. Yes it is. I'm 19 and am due 3 weeks after my 20th birthday.

    Nothing made me realize how young I was until I got pregnant. My husband and I have also been together for 3 years.

    It's too young, but it's not the worse thing that could happen. I can't imagine planning to get pregnant at this age, that just seems crazy to me.

  24. I think age has nothing to do with it, I was 21 when we had our first and it was one of the best decision me and my partner made.

    If you think you can provide a loving home and enviroment for your child then thats all that matters

    Good Luck

  25. There are so responsibilities involved in having a child. I say enjoy life a little while longer without the worries of caring for a child. Health care, childcare, clothing, diapers, food, furniture, etc. can be overwhelming for someone twice your age who has much more to offer a child than a full time job, such as a good education and health benefits. Therefore, I say yes you are too young. Think twice before jumping head first into this. Trust me....I know.  

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