
Is 2 kids in a family enough? What if the two with same gender?

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Actually i wish for a mix gender girl and boy for my kids and stick for it when i have mix. Now, amniocentesis confirmed that i am pregnant with another baby girl (by amniocentesis for test in Down Syndrome - result normal). I have a first daughter who is 2 years old in this coming August 2008. What confuse me is, if i stop to try for a boy for the third baby, will i regret? I asked my husband, i also not sure what he want. He answered "you think no need to earn money to rare kid arr?" Sometime, he will tell me some example that "who got only one daughter (9 year old), also enough", got one time ask me "adoption can choose gender or not?" "Sometime say, "girl and boy is no different". I believe he want to make me feel better sometime, but most important is what is in his mind? If I ask again, he will for sure come back to the same answers I written. Advice me please.




  1. Why can't you be happy with what you are given in life? How selfish are you that you're not satisfied with two girls so you have to consider a third child just to try for a boy? There are so many people who cannot have children and would be thrilled to have a child regardless of gender.

  2. I wish I had children.  You're blessed (and so am I).  It's up to God to decide how many you get. Be thankful and watch over them with all the love in your heart.

  3. kids are like puppies, you can never have enough!

    think of the poor people that cannot have one and count your blessing.

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