
Is 2 weeks too young to give my baby a pacifier?

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When she was born she was rushed straight to the intensive care unit and stayed there for five days. they fed her with formula for that time and i didn't get to nurse until she came home and now all she wants to do is nurse. If she is up for 6 hours my b*****s have to be in her mouth for her to keep quiet until she goes back to sleep is any one else baby like this or do i have to put her back on formula i really wanted to breast feed her but my nipples are raw and sore.

Should i give her a pacifier?




  1. I would pump some and if have to mix with formula to give you a small break!   It also helps you to lose your weight!  Baby will still getting everything it needs!  Unless you just want that bond but all up to you good luck, and I feel for you!  I know its painful!

  2. Ask the doctor to advice you for some medication for your nipples. A cream healing the sores, and another , relieving the agony. I don't live in U.S. , They give such  medication where I live. THe first is called Bepanthene ( by Bayer- a Swiss firm) and the second Anestol ( I don't remember the firm) A pharmacian may look in his big black book and tell you the commercial names where you live. And you can ask your doctor. Babies do that, they use you for a pacifier, and the more you let them, the more attached children they become. If you can manage to stand it, within  3 months, she will have a schedule.  

  3. Yes you can my son is 12 days old and hes had a binki since he was a few hours old. Everyone has their own opinions..but if you want to give her one then go right ahead.

  4. Yes! Pacifiers have been shown to reduce the rick of SIDS and will give you a break so that you can continue to breastfeed. Since she is having no problems nursing there should be no worries that the pacifier will make her not latch on. My daughter had her first pacifier while we were still at the hospital. She is now 6months old and had weened herself from using the pacifier by time she was nearly 5months.

  5. Yes you can give her a paifier for sure!

    The nurse gave my daughter a pacifier when she was only 1 day old and she is fine :)

  6. Is she premi or something?  Most people give their kid a binky the day they're born.

  7. My daughter was 6 weeks early and still in the nicu and they gave her a pacifier from the minute she was born, You might want to try the brand Soothie for pacifiers, I find they work great and they don't have to put too much effort into sucking them.

    As for breast feeding, Ask your doctor or go back to the intensive care unit for a nipple shield, You can still breast feed but it goes over your nipple so it doesn't cause your nipples to become raw or anything

    Good luck and take care

  8. no but they'e addictive but I think Nuk best and babies enjoy them so

    go ahead and let baby be happy

  9. sure can, be prepared though some babies are picky and only like certain kinds, I know I tried 6 types before my son would take a pacifier. In the end he just like the old rubber kind, who wouldve thought?!

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