I just got hatemail from some 2012 nutter that (and I quote):
"What you;re asking for is proof that=
Nibiru exists, and Im telling you even if there was proof, YOU would never=
know, nor would I, nor would a doctor, not even a scientist. Its not about=
how smart a person is, its about how much power they have, politicians hav=
e power, the top scientists of the world have power, NASA has power, but th=
ey belong to the government, and the government controlls what they tell yo=
u, how they tell you and everything else. I could care less If you believe =
me or not, you are just some stupid person who doesnt have a clue, If I tol=
d you everything I knew your head would overload and blow up."
Is this just the ultimate proof that 2012 has gotten out of hand?
My challange to 2012 supporters now is:
If Nibiru is so dangerous and undetectable by everyone, then how did the Ancients see it, write about it and then survive unharmed?
If supporters are so much smarter than the astronomers themselves, then why can't they give us a definitive answer as to where it is and why we can't see it?
And the ultimate nail in the coffin:
If there is no proof that it exists, how do they know it exists and can go into details even about its effects?