
Is 2012 / Nibiru getting out of hand?

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I just got hatemail from some 2012 nutter that (and I quote):

"What you;re asking for is proof that=

Nibiru exists, and Im telling you even if there was proof, YOU would never=

know, nor would I, nor would a doctor, not even a scientist. Its not about=

how smart a person is, its about how much power they have, politicians hav=

e power, the top scientists of the world have power, NASA has power, but th=

ey belong to the government, and the government controlls what they tell yo=

u, how they tell you and everything else. I could care less If you believe =

me or not, you are just some stupid person who doesnt have a clue, If I tol=

d you everything I knew your head would overload and blow up."

Is this just the ultimate proof that 2012 has gotten out of hand?

My challange to 2012 supporters now is:

If Nibiru is so dangerous and undetectable by everyone, then how did the Ancients see it, write about it and then survive unharmed?

If supporters are so much smarter than the astronomers themselves, then why can't they give us a definitive answer as to where it is and why we can't see it?

And the ultimate nail in the coffin:

If there is no proof that it exists, how do they know it exists and can go into details even about its effects?




  1. You can't point your telescope at it and see it; it's hidden by the hologram projected by the Project Bluebeam satellites.  The government wouldn't go through all that trouble to cover it up just to let people see it with their own eyes.  The guy who sent you that message is obviously not human, because all humans are either brainwashed or kept silent by the government.  I would say, based on how much he knows and his lack of fear of disclosing said knowledge, that he is a member of the Royal Family Descendants of Xenu, and possibly Tom Cruise's half-brother.  You might want to watch what you say to him, he could probably do terrible things to you, like capture you and put in you in a full-resolution reality simulator and erase all memory of it happening, leading you to believe you're still living your life while in actuality you're strapped to a bed in a hospital.  In fact, this has already happened.  Don't mess with Scientology.

  2. It's already out of hand. I just wish that the other Astronomy and Space regulars will help us rid ourselves of these 2012 questions by reporting them as spam.

  3. Definitely.

    See my new solution here:


    I'm not going to weild this new weapon with fascist totality. If the asker approaches it from an angle other than just blandly going "Is-a peepul gon' DIE, Anni?" / "were teh moon landin faked" then I'll either ignore it, or answer without the odometer. (or maybe even include it AND answer)

    Point is - If you see a mere odometer, that means I have deemed the asking the FAQ a total annoyance. ;)

  4. I think the first sentence e-mail some nut case sent you says it all; "Nibiru exists, and I am telling you even if there was proof, you would never know it, nor would I". So if I follow this logic correctly, Nibiru exists and my non-existent proof proves it?

    What ever these people are smoking it's apparently done some permanent brain damage.

  5. Well, the answer is obvious.

    You cannot see it because it is an "Invisible planet". Anonymous insiders from both NASA and the CIA have blown the whistle for years about this but of course due to the cover up you wont hear about it on the 6:00 news.

    Its um...really hot. Yeah thats it, it only emits X-rays and gamma rays, which you know are invisible to the naked eye...YEAH thats it!!

    And thats why you cant see it. Only anonymous whistle blowers on Coast to Coast know about this. And if you deny it you are brainwashed by the CIA and not smart like the really smart people on Coast to Coast... or the other really smart people who know about the fake moon landings. (You forgot the aliens) shut up! No but you forgot to mention....(listen I'll tell him about the aliens later)...but I think he should know now..(shut do we know we can trust him?)...We dont now do we, thats why I said I'll tell him later. (Well, why can't I tell him)..Because your not allowed up fact you need to go back to the closet its my turn up fron now...(No, but l... NUUUURRRRSSSEEE!!!!!!!

  6. There is a YMCA joke.

    5 guys were sharing a dorm, with one bed vacant. Everynight the lights used to be switched off at 10pm by the management. In the darkness they used to tell jokes till they fell asleep. A new bloke got admiited in the dorm. At 10pm when the light went off, one them older guys used to call out a number and others laugh. The new guy couldn't figure out what's going on. One day he took his chance and called out out the biggest number he could, '999'. There was silence. And then one of them said 'our latest and last joke is numbered 203, we are yet to reach 999'.

    I think Y!A must have a special counting for this kind of FAQs. We jus' have to press '197' for Nibiru type and a canned answer should flow.

    Who cares if Nibiru comes and hits Earth, if we are all going to die?

    There are umpteen other things no government can stop. Human brain is endowed with rational, logical thinking; if a way of assessing the impending danger is there, it will empower us to tackle it as it should be. Till then, we have to suffer Nibiru nuts one way or the other.

    Rather than worrying about them and dying every minute in fear, let us live every minute of what is left of life.  

  7. I think all such questions should get sorted to Religion. After all, it is only about faith - not science.

    And if you want to find Niburu, look at Jupiter, that is the planet the Sumerians named Niburu. But for planet X, you should look outside the ecliptic plane, as this place is so good observed, that we should have seen it years ago. As it's orbit has a high eccentricity, it should be moving very fast now and produce long streaks on long exposures. It is currently 11 AU away, if it should also be able to pass close to Earth, closer than Saturn.

    If it would be super cold and dark black (unlikely, but for the sake of being friendly to the mentally impaired - even a black hole radiates enough to be visible from this distance), it should eclipse some stars at least from time to time.

    And throw all probes in the outer solar system off their course by it's intense gravity. But does also not happen.

    So, it should have an extreme magnetic field or gravity, but we are not able to measure an object like that. That means, it does not exist and any fundamentalist repeating, that it does exist, is plain faith.  

  8. It has become an obsession for those that will not understand that a mass that size less than five years away would have been detected.  They will not understand that not all astronomers and scientists are under the control of the government.  Just the opposite, there is a proud tradition for scientists to be non-conformist when it comes to propagating the government party line.  With one possible exception... when they are lobbying to get a slice of public funding for research.  They can be absolute whores when it comes to that.  And not to mention all the amateur astronomers who would absolutely fall all over themselves to be the first to spot (and name) a rogue planet invading our neck of the solar system!  But that is the nature of an obsessed, they will only cling to "reasoning" that supports their point of view no matter how it flies in the face of conventional wisdom.

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