
Is 2012 acually the end of the world?

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I heard people talking about it, my friend is going nuts about it, and i say it on google! Is it or is it just bs? it even said year 2000 and 1997, but it never happened




  1. No.

    You can't predict the future. Nobody can. It is all just lies. I'll laugh on December 22, 2012 when you all are proved wrong!!

  2. According to some numerology taken from the Bible, between 2025 and 2035.  This seems confirmed by the Mayan profecy as well as the timeline from the pyramids....

    Get all your ducks in a row...  Peace.

  3. I once heard from a lecture that something is going to hit the earth... No one mentioned that it would be the end for us. But the date said it was 2020. Well... let's just pray it's not true. :)

  4. No, it isn't.  This is just one more of the doomsday predictions that have been going on throughout history.  Here are the claims and refutations of them.

    The Mayan Calendar - Their calendar was done in ages or cycles and their years ended at the winter solstice.  The current cycle ends December 21, 2012.  They didn’t predict the end of the world, it was only the end of that cycle.  Their civilization died out several hundred years before the end of the cycle, so no new cycle was added.

    Alignment with the Galactic Center – The alignment was supposed to be in 1998.  We will be 6 degrees off from true alignment in 2012.  This happens every 26,000 years. The Earth has been through it 173,076 times and humans 7 times.  

    Polar shift – the poles are moving all the time and we don’t notice.  A complete 180 degree reversal occurs over a period of thousands of years.

    Niburu (Planet X) - It doesn't exist. The Doomsayers predicted that it was to hit Earth in 2003. When it didn't happen, they just moved it out to 2012 to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.

    Apophis (2004MN4) – A yellow alert for this asteroid (for the 2029 pass) was originally issued in 2001.  After more points were added to its orbit, they found it wasn't going to hit us and the alert was canceled.

    Paul Chodas / NASA / JPL

  5. There's nothing special about December of 2012, except that the Pleiades will pass directly over the main pagan temple of an ancient Mexican empire, and their calendar (which counts backwards) will hit zero.

  6. Yeah, give all your stuff to me now.

    It's silly. The world is not going to end, and even if it were, NOBODY would have any way to know.

  7. It is not very likely. What would the "end of the world" mean? Would it mean that all people would die? Or maybe the whole Earth catch fire? Or the Sun burn out? There is certainly no reason to believe that the world will end in 2012. And don't forget that if that number has some special significance that makes someone believe that the world will end in that year, that most of the people on Earth do not even use the Gregorian calendar. 2012 has passed a long time ago in some calendars and has a long time to come in others. Our calendar is used by a small percentage of people.

  8. people do say that but no i do not think the world is going to end then because long time ago people said the world was going to end then but it didnt. Sometimes people just put false info on wiki etc.

  9. It's only a prediction nobody knows when it'll end. The predicted years ago but nothing happened. Don't worry about it

  10. tis must be the umpteenth time the number 2012 or the date 12.12.12 appear in YA......

    ...the world will end but my guess is not tat date....but maybe on tat date somethg will happen tat will be the start for a series of events tat will lead to the end of the world....

    ...afterall to some believers....the series of events have already started...

  11. It is just b/s..I mean if it were true, wouldn't we have been preparing since now? Wouldn't the news have already broadcast reports about the subject? The world isn't due to end for another couple thousand  years. There are a few theories rising up on how this will happen too:

    +The earth will eventually drift too close to the sun and in a matter of months, all living organisms, even microscopic ones, will burn

    +Our ozone layer will eventually vanish, exposing the earth to unheard of amounts of radiation, practially burning the skin off us humans

    +There will be a galaxy collision. Our galaxy-the milky way- will collide with another. This will cause obseen amounts of pressure, ripping our bodies into millions of pieces.

    +A star near the Earth will explode or "die" with a HUGE eruption, destroying the earth with it.

    +Like it did millions of years ago, there can be a slight shift in our earth's axis..again, which can lead to a second ice age, basically freezing us to death.

    I hope you learned something:) <best answer>

  12. whO toLd yoU so>?!

    ofcoursE not!?

    nobodY knowS!?

    wheN wiLL be the enD of the worLd!?

    trusT jesus!?

    nobodY knowS it!?

    onLY goD!

  13. thats the end of the mayan calendar.... its all a conspiracy...

  14. Do not be scared.  I assure you that the world will not end on 2012 December 21 but it will end one day.  Nostradamus’ prediction of when the earth will end is far into the future, past about 3700.  He still has many prophecies that are not fulfilled yet.  Remember that if there is a beginning, there is an end.  

    The Mayan’s Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jose Arguelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 2012 December 21 (Wikipedia).  It will be the end of a Mayan calendar cycle to start a new cycle.

    In the book of Revelation, it tells us about a period of a thousand years of peace. Has this occurred already since the time of Jesus? Not yet. That will still come. Those that give predictions of the world’s end, such as 2012 and numerous times during the past, are pseudo-preachers. Have they talked to God directly? If so, give proofs.

    But there is something that is certain—and that is our physical death. This is what we should prepare for. It may come when least expected. We do not know the day and the hour. It will come like a thief in the night. So we just have to be prepared all the time. Search for the true God and when we find Him, follow His commandments and remain in Him until our last dying breath.

    This is all that we have to do. It is faith in the true God that we can take with us when we depart from this world. If we denied Him, He will deny us also before the Father in Heaven and send us to h**l. This is very scary – to live in h**l forever.  If we knew Him and loved Him and followed His commandments, then He may reward us to live with Him eternally in His kingdom in Heaven. This is the survival kit that we should have.

    What is also certain to happen very soon (in about 2012 or earlier) is World War III and this is a nuclear war.  This calamitous war will start from the Philippines, at Spratly Islands in particular.  The Spratly Islands lie on the South China Sea mostly near the coast of the Philippines.  The Holy Spirit told us that the troubles in the Philippines is like the wick of a lamp.  Once the wick is lit, it will be on and aglow.  He told us about this prophecy more than a decade ago.  Please read what is happening in the Philippines now.  Spratly Islands which is being claimed wholly or partly by six countries including China is in the news and considered a tinderbox, a flash point.  It is very rich in oil and gas resources, more than the reserve of Kuwait.  The high price of oil may trigger the grabbing of these islands and start the war.

    Four independent prophecies point to the certainty that this will happen.  These are Nostradamus’ prophecies to happen around this time (quatrains 6:24 and 2:62) , the 56th Chinese prophecy of Tuey Bei Tu (the past 55 prophecies have already been fulfilled), Revelation 9:18 of the Holy Bible, and those that the Holy Spirit revealed to us.  If you are interested in the details about these prophecies, please send me your request via email.

  15. no one knows for sure. Only God knows and he has a certain time for everything.

  16. No, of course not.... people have always predicted the end of the everyone that believes it will freak out and run around screaming then here comes 2013 and people will look back and say "wow... i was such an idiot..."

  17. Yeah, people going nuts thinking all those nonsense, how does it will end ?  Do they have theory and some numerical calculation or even a formula on this aspect? I for one doesn't indulge on such speculation, I trusted our almighty on everything, have faith in GOD.

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