
Is 2012 true?

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do you really think the world will end there is so much *$%*&^ going on




  1. NO

    just like y2k

  2. I just seen a paper in the store trying to say that sept. 11 th 2008 the world is going to end so i doubt it.

  3. Doubt it. If there were to be a world-wide flood, I don't think water levels will rise that high in only 4 years or so. We may never know if the world will ever end, if it does of course.

  4. i hope not!

  5. i do and it scares the **** outa me

  6. The world will not end by 2012!!!! Here are the ways it could happen:

    -Giant asteroides (i doubght that will happen)

    -Artic melting (global warming causing the Antartica and North pole to melt causing a giant flood)

    -Pollution (Ozone getting messd up casuing sun rays to come in and burn us to death or not enough trees growing due to pollution so we would die because a lack of oxygen)

    -Solar metamorphasis (The sun turning into a red giant possibly casuing the inner planets, muerecuray venus earth and mars, to burn due to the sun enlarging, if we still lived through that the sun would turn into a white dwarf and wont produce any light or radaitoin causing all plant life to die then us to die)

    -Worm hole (IF we still made it through the sun turning into a red giant there is a chance it could turn into a worm hole due to the mass of the red giant. it would suck us up and only GOD knos what after that! Theres a chance we could go bak in time. I have no idea what after that!

    None of these things could happen in just 4 years so dont worry! =)

  7. No way.  Dont worry about it.  s**+* happens all the time, like the great depression and all the wars the world has seen.  Its just a story.

  8. NO for god's sake, where does this bull-*******-**** come from?

  9. nobody knows when the world is going to end. it might end tomorrow, any time before that date, on that date, or it could end 3billion years from today. you never know

  10. no i do not...there has been an end times thing every 50 years forever. dont get your hopes up.

  11. I cant say yes or no for sure, but lemme put it to you this way. They said that the world was  gonna end in 2000 too. Well, were still here.  The Aztec Calendar does not say that the world will end in 2012.  It merely states the end of the 13th Ba'ktun cycle, which single REBIRTH. A new era.  Think about it. the exact day in 2012 is December 21.  Whats gping on during that time? Christmas celebrations, winter sports, more importantly, elections.  Many the calendar single not destruction of the world, but destruction of ideals.

  12. No the world isn't going to end because some stupid calendar ends. But I do think the human race is approaching a pivotal point in history that will define us for decades to come.

    Do we keep fighting amongst ourselves, like a bunch of spoiled children, or do we make the decision to work together, putting aside our cultural and philosophical differences,  for the betterment of all mankind? That's the question that needs asking.

  13. Ok .. here is some info on the subject .....  This is my take on the situation from several years of research / Study on this matter ....

    It is believed that December 21st 2012 will be the End of The World "AS We Know It" .... NOT the "End of the World" , period .....

    My Thoughts:

    Ok ... The Mayan Calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012 . Then in their writtings ; we find that they say that the" World as we know it" will cease to be on Dec. 21st 2012 .... and that we will enter a new cycle on the earth plane...

    Now, Nostradamus, who knew nothing about the Mayans ... also says that the Earth as we know it will cease to be on Dec. 21st 2012 ........

    We also have to take into account the Predictions of the "Wizzard" Merlin (No; he was not a myth) ... he has made some very accurate predictions for the future ...

    Next; read the I Ching ... it too , says that 2012 will be the end of times as known today .....

    There were predictions made in the 1600's by a "Mother Shipton" thru a English Writter, Richard Head . Many though that Richard was just doing Post Dictions or writing that "Mother Shipton" had predicted something AFTER it occurred ...However; we now find MANY of the "Mother Shipton" predictions for furure events were and are VERY accurate ...... so we have to give creedence to them ...

    We also have the Hoppi Native American Indian Tribes in the American Southwest ..... their tales and stories carry predictions of events that will happen in the year 2012 ; that could spell the end of the world as we know it .. or going into the 5th world cycle .....

    Look at the Book of revelations written by John in the Bible . Study what it says , and we "Could" be in thet era now .. as the end of time as we know it draws near ....

    Then; we go to the Bible Code .. which says that the "Beginning of the End of the World as we Know it begins on March 12, 2012" ....

    ALL of these sources have been VERY accurate in their prophicies Predictions to date .... Taken seperately ; I would NOT put too much store into what it says .... However; SEVERAL seperate sources ... at Different Times in the History of the World,are saying the same/similar thing .... It has to be given SOME SERIOUS THOUGHT and CONSIDERATION .

    MY Thoughts: That the 3rd World War will begin on March 12, 2012 ... since it will be a necular /atomic war signals the end of the world as we know it NOTHING can be the same after a full fledged atomic war ....... Then; On Dec. 21st 2012 ; the war ends .... the world now has to start fresh to rebuild what has been destroyed there will probably be NO cell Towers, No Electricity , No Gas or Fuel ... Low Water supplies ... etc ... Food ?. ....... OR:

    Will another giant Asteroid or Many Giant Asteroids like the

    one that hit Siberia in 1904 that destroyed a 1,000 mile radius and killed 100's of people begin propelling the Earth ?

    Just THINK of the destruction and cahos .... and; Scientist and the World governments are already worried about this occurance and how to prevent it ... IF they can .... as they feel it is destined to occur ....

    We can't just stick our collective heads up our butts and ignor how serious this could be or actually IS already .. Time is running out and what are YOU doing ?

  14. 2012 is the end of a 5000 year cycle of the Mayan Calendar. Nothing is going to happen...

  15. no of course not!

  16. no and do pigs fly thats when its the end.

  17. Nobody really knows.

    We'll find out in 2012 though.
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