
Is 20mg paroxetine hcl equal to 20mg paxin?

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i was originally on 20 mg of paxin every day and i slept well. since switching to the generic paroxetine hcl my insomnia has returned and appetite gone away too. feels like my depression is coming back. are these equal dosages of the same drug?




  1. They are the same drug. Only differences between generic and brand name medication is the color, and the shape can be different.

    If you noticed a change, talk to your pharmacist about switching back to the brand name medication.

  2. Paxil for insomnia? Wow, wish it helped mine. They are the samething though, so it shouldn't affect you differently.

  3. Most generics are ok.I would call mt DOC asap because you may have "leveled" out on 20mg.Thats a reasonably low dose-I just ckecked.If you have depression and sleep disorders you really need to moniter your feelings And YOUR doing GREAT at reconizing that somethings off.Call the Doc let them know and go SEE the DOC,Dont leave without an increase or back to reguler Paxil.You may need something to help with the sleep issue.I have to take an "extra pill" or I'll be up for days.No fun is it? Youll be fine.Your smart and are in tune with yourself.Prayers to you,J

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