
Is 22 a good ACT score?

by Guest60768  |  earlier

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i just got my scores back and thats what is said i made....and my grandparents say i have to take in again in september to try to get in the




  1. 30 is rediculous anyone with a thirty is in the top 4% in the nation in test taking. Not many colleges want people in the 30's only the really good colleges like harvard. My sis got a 26 and she got into madison which is really hard to get into. Even if you had a 22 you can get into good colleges if you have a good high school GPA. They also look at alot of others things than your ACT. Maybe if you think that your act's wont get you into the college you want try volunteering and joining clubs it helps alot in consideration for being accepted.

  2. 22 is a decent score, it will get you into college. A 24 will most likely get you some scholarships. A 30? Most people don't score that high, but you should try again if you have the oppertunity to get the best score you can.

  3. It's okay. I reccomend the 30s. Colleges look at high achieving scores.

  4. 22 is a pretty average score. I got a 19 on mine, and I retook the ACT and got the same score. But the higher you score the more colleges pay attention to you, and overlook others with lower scores.

  5. like mentioned before, a 22 is average. obviously better scores mean better colleges, but the score isn't that bad. even if you had gotten a 30, though, I would still advise that you take the test at every opportunity.

  6. I received at or about a 22 on my first try. On my second, I received at or about a 24, which was enough to waive both the reading and writing exams required in my state. I purchased the smallest, most inexpensive book I could find from a book store and software to boost my score and you could do the same. Be advised, the test is designed to avoid a significant increase in scores unless you attend preparation classes or a preparatory school. My scores were enough to be accepted to USMA Prep, USAFA Prep, VT, USC, Tuskegee, VSU, and Furman. However, not GA Tech.

  7. This should help!

  8. It depends on where you want to go to college. The average college range is somewhere between 25-30, I'd say.

    I would retake it if I were you, most people's scores improve anyway, and if you do some studying, they can go way up.

    I just got my scores too and I did wayyy better than I was expecting. SOMEHOW I got a 34.

  9. A 22 is about a 1020-1050 on the old SAT scale (not the 2400 thing).  Thats not bad at all, but depending on what kind of college you want to get into, you should take it again and shoot for a higher score.

  10. YES you NEED to get in the 30's. Don't listen to everyone else who is just try to make you feel better. It all really depends where you want to go to college of course, but with a 22 you are closing a lot of doors. You can do better.

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