
Is 25 K a year enough to live on in London?

by  |  earlier

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Or should I hold out for something better paid? I would like to live in an area where it is safe and close (half hour public transport) to the west end and where I can preferably afford to rent my own studio flat coz i dont want a houseshare.




  1. 25k would give you a living wage, it will all depend on where you rented, the suburbs of London would cot you up to £1000 a month, inner London easily £2000 a month. As for other costs again depends on Council for taxes, fuel costs, travel and food.

  2. London can be very expensive: however, you should note that over 50% of households in London have an income of LESS than £25K so you should be able to find something. Londoners aren't all working in the City on £100K+ salaries!

    £25K won't buy you anything approaching a luxury lifestyle but it's certainly livable. Your take home (after tax) wage will be around £1600 per month.

  3. yer should be

  4. If you accept the job - it doesn't mean you have to stay at it forever. It is much wiser to take the job then search for another one if you decide that this is not the job for you. That way you will be in London already, handy for interviews, and people who have jobs normally are in a better position to negotiate (e.g salaries, holidys etc)

    My advice - a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush! Take it!

  5. Do you research £25K is enough but it's easier to seek work from the area you want to work in. Also an area I like such as Acton Town (fits in with your 30 min) may be too quiet for you or that Brixton is too noisy. My advice take the job find a short term contact let (6 months) either share or single. Then once here look for a better pay scale, the area you want to live in and then see how things pan out.

    Good Luck

  6. On £25K your only option is sharing.

  7. Yup 25K is enough to live on in London but it will probably not allow for a fab live-style.

    Plenty of us Londoners live on less - you'll be fine but hold out for the bigger pay deal if you can.

    You see the trick with money is not just how to spend it, but also how to save it.  Therefore the more you can earn the more you will be able to save.

    Things might start getting difficult in a couple of years time.  Need to save up for the rainy day which is already on the horizon for some of us - new home owners I mean.

    Me?  I'm a pensioner - mortgage paid and lots of savings so no problems except we're going to have to dig up the garden next year and start growing.

    Looks like it's going to be 'dig for victory' all over again.


  8. Just about yes, you would be better sharing a house than renting one of your own, i rented in London for three years and paid between £300-400 a month for a room and then £1000 for a one bedroom flat. Living there is very expensive but it depends what area as well. If you are a high flyer and must live in a trendy area then expect to pay lots for alot less, but you can go to the outskirts and get much more for your money but have maybe a 45 minute train journey into London. London is a great place to live so good luck, and sharing isn't all that bad but i know what you mean i met a few people i hated living with so if you think you are better by yourself then go for it, expect to pay at least £700 a month for a studio near the west end

  9. £25K is just about the lowest limit for living in London. I would wait and find a better paid job so you don't have to work all hours just to survive. Otherwise you won't be able to enjoy what London has to offer.

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