
Is 25 gallons enough for a black moor and fantail?

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Hi, I have had a fantail and a black moor in a 16 gallon tank since April when they were just tiny babies and they have now grown spectacularly, particularly the black moor (now four inches to tail tip) so I am looking to buy a larger tank. They are healthy and very lively with a very good filter system and regular water changes, water tests check out, they have many live plants and a varied diet but I can definitely see they've outgrown their tank already. If I invest in a 25 gallon tank of real volume will this be enough for a few years or will they outgrow this one very quickly too?




  1. There wouldn't be that much difference in price between getting a 25 gallon or a 30 or 40.  They should both reach about 8" full grown so you might as well get a big enough tank now.  I personally think it shows off the fish much better in a large tank where they have room to swim and show off their tails.


  2. They are supposed to have 30 gallons. 20 for the first goldfish 10 for every other goldfish... I'm sure you should know that. But 25 should be fine.

  3. it will work out for now but you will need to upgrade in the future

  4. Black Moor Goldfish will generally reach about 4 inches

    fantail 5 or more inches

    so you have or you will have about 9" of fish. let's say 10" with the move the rule is 1" of fish per gallon so if you have a 25 gallon tank then you can have 25 inches of fish lol its really good that you take such care of them! your doing fine keep up the good work  

  5. I say go for a 40. I have seen an adult black moore at 9 inches, not counting the tail!

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