
Is .25 mg of acepromazine tranquilizer too much for a 12-15 week old kitten?

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my kitten is getting too worked up after his declaw and neuter two days ago. i need him to relax a little. would this be too much tranq for him?




  1. thats mean its so young. just stop playing with it or ignore it when it gets too playful, dont tranq him!  

  2. Brandy,

    The only person who can answer this question is your veterinarian, who knows your cat and anything which may be counter-indicated using this medication. If this is what your vet prescribed follow your vet's instructions. Meds are prescribed based on the weight of the kitten, and age.

    There are far better drugs to use for sedation than this drug, so I am rather amazed if your vet prescribed it.

    Declaw surgery is painful and recovery time varies. I would think that your vet would have given you an analgesic for your kitten to manage pain.  Even though it is Sunday, call the office and contact someone on staff.

    Good luck with your kitten and please do not take advice from Yahoo Answers about dosage for a drug of this type. Even if all of us were vets without knowing the kitten's medical history, etc, dangerous information could be given.


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese

    Freelance writer/blogger for

  3. Yes..

  4. they should have not declawed him yet, my cat is declawed and i had to wait til she was 6 months old, thats actually a law where i need to call your vet and not medicate you could severly hurt him or overdose him.

  5. 0.25mg or 25mg?? You shouldn't be giving the kitten tranqs. Seclude him in a small room where he can't jump. If need be, keep him in a cage that's large enough for a litter box and food and water with a bed. That's what we do at the vet's office. You basically want to protect their feet so they aren't too active and open up their incisions in their toes. Don't use drugs on him. Thats cruel.

  6. You really should call the vet who did the surgery. Even if they're closed they should have an answering service that can call the doctor.

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