
Is 25 too old for collage?

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For a serious 40 hour class load collage degree?

Should i try part time first? or go all in?




  1. You certainly are not too old. Go full time if you can support yourself./

  2. Go all in. Take extra spelling courses, too. ha ha

  3. i don't think it is at all.  i think some people should wait until about 25 and get some real life experience before going back to School.  as far as going part time i think that would be a good idea if u r already working a full time job

  4. Definitly not to old. In canada the average student is about 28. Go all in!

  5. I started college when I was 35.  But a 40 hour class load?  You'll make yourself crazy trying to keep up with that many classes.  Go for 15 to 18 hours per semester, that'll keep you plenty busy.  

  6. nope, there are even 50 something year olds in my class! and you should go part time first and see if you can handle it then go all in

  7. its not too old - if you can afford to go full time get it done! you should be proud you made a great decision!

  8. why not one of my classmates was 69 and she did

  9. Definitely NOT too old...many ppl are middle aged when they you're well within the norm.  The load you carry has to be your decision based on your ability to handle it

  10. youu probably wont get in to COLLEGE* because youu dont even know how to spell it right.

  11. No one is ever too old to learn..

    You should try it first as part time at first to see if you can handle it!!

    And then go all in as you say!!

    Good Luck!

  12. Plz half the kids that go to college cant even wipe their own *** forget spelling. And most of them are around your age or look older but are probably much younger sense all they do is drink,party, and burn themselves in the sun. Don't let anyone discourage you from what you want to do, you dont need anyones opinion. 25 is not too old is just right. 30+ or 40ish is old but trust me that doesnt stop them.Shouldnt stop you. So go for it you'll be happy you did it when you get that degree in 4 years. Oh yeah 4 years is more like a min and half cuz time goes so fast when your in college. Go full time cuz it will help you focus better and have the full experience. But if you want to work full time then go for it part time. Whatever fits your schedule.Good Luck! You can do it!!

  13. Go for it! You're never too old for college.

  14. I am 57 years old and I am taking college courses,if time permitted it I'd be all over campus. Maybe even the 'Q-DOGS' king of the ball?


    Go get whatever your heart desires.   25 is too old only if you say so!



  15. you're never to old to attend college...

  16. I just rode by a billboard that was celebrating a 90-some year old who had just graduated from college. So now you know it's not too late. But a full load requires that someone else support you, as it takes a lot of time. If you can do it, go for it! If not, you can get through college part-time, even if it takes many years. Many people, who have to work full-time and support families, get through college that way. It's NEVER too late. You won't fit in with the social life at college anymore, but most people at your age don't go to college for that reason anyway. Happy studying!

  17. dude you u r good to go to college when u gonna go to college u gonna c old people as a student so there nothing to worry about alright good luck!!!!!  just trust your self u ill be doin fine  

  18. is that college in french?

  19. there is no such thing as being too old to further your education.  its impossible to take 40 hrs a semester.  12 hours is full time and 18 hours is a full load.  18 may be difficult if you have a full time job and/or family.  You could go all in and if its too much you can with draw from a class or two.

  20. Never too old, but just make sure you can afford it :-)  The only problem at our age is that we're generally supposed to be responsible for ourselves financially, so taking time off work to go to school can be a burden.  Take as many classes as you think you can handle.  Good luck!

  21. You can't go to a collage, but you can go to college at any age. Since you can't spell college, aim for a community one, they let anyone in and offer classes at a high school level so you can learn what you've missed.

  22. Steve, it depends on what else is going on in your life. If you work full-time, I would do 1 or 2 classes. If you work part-time try 3 classes, depending on how many hours you work. If you're not working, and can afford it, than you could do 4 or possibly 5 (as long as one of the classes was an easy class).

    I'm almost 50, work part-time and take 2-3 classes a semester. You surley have a whole lot more energy at 25 than I do.

  23. well anybody can make a collage.   j.k. i know what you meant. but no. my dad was 40 somethin when he went back and graduated from college. depending on how good of a worker you might want to start part time. because it is a lot of work. don't do it all for nothing. do what you know you can do. and do it little by little, i'm 23 and thats what i'm doing, but i also have a full time job and a son. but i gotta do what i gotta do.

  24. NO !! in fact some persons that may've been some of the teachers you had in high school left work  maybe in the morning!?!  during your lunch hour,etc to go to some  class to finish earning a degree!?!... "You or anyone is ever t0o old to learn !!...  iF YOU HAVE A PHONE NUMBER TO CALL SO YOU CAN GET MORE DETAILS; yOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO CONTIBUTE TO YOUR OWN SCHEDULE!?! fOR INSTANCE WHEN YOU'LL HAVE MORE FREE TIME TO DEDICATE TO oh W0WYOUR WORK/PROJECTS!?! & YOU MIGHT EVEN HAVE THE OPTION OF GOING IN DURING CERTAIN DAYS,NIGHTS ETCETERA!?!.  oh',W0W i'GOTTA GO!!. g/l~!!G/L rRrRr

  25. 25 is not too old for college, if somone is passionite about what they are learnign then age doesnt matter....if you think you can handle a 40 hour class load then go for it, youll never no unless you try????

    hope i helped

  26. You will still be on the younger side of things, trust me.  You would be wise to start by taking ONE class at a community college (not in a subject you hated in HS.)  And use that semester with the one class to figure out the way college classes work.  You don't want to drag down your GPA by taking a full class load and struggling to figure out what you should be doing.  Once you have taken the one class and feel comfortable with the whole process, imagine that 2 classes will be twice as much work and time, 4 classes will be 4 times as much, etc.  Take on your class load depending on how you feel about the time/energy you think you can put into it.

    Don't worry about how long it takes you, or how fast you can graduate.  Who cares if you do a few classes at a time and it takes a long time?  Just think- WORST CASE, in ten years you can say I just graduated and I'm getting an AWESOME job at 35, or you can say I'm still in the same crudy place at 35 with little chance of ever changing.

    BTW- Go easy Core, our friend is trying here!

  27. Its not to old at all!  Go back it will help you greatly!  Dont not go back just because of age!

  28. Go all in. Never think you're too old or its too late. Good luck.

  29. You are never too old for college.  If you can do it all full time go right into it.  The more you get done the sooner you graduate.

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