
Is 25 too old to start studing Engineering and hope to have a productive career ?

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In Australia and considering mechanical or civil..




  1. No at 25 the tendacy to stay out till 4 in the mourning drinking is mostly out of your system and it will probubly be easier to study (at least for me it was) I started at 24.

  2. no Australia needs more engineers you will have no problem finding a job even in your third or fourth year if you wish.

  3. nah, man.  that's bullshat.

    an engineering degree is like 4years?? thats nothing man! you've got another 60 to live!

    I'm 20 & study law at one of aust's top universities, but at like a third of my

    co-students are mature-age & over 30.

  4. Never to old, just go for it! My partner graduated with engineering degree when he was 31, then at 34 got shares in a small kids playground building company, now at 42 the company is very successful and he is thinking of taking an early retiral. What have u got to lose?? Good luck!

  5. Everyone who has answered so far is right! I had plenty of classmates over the age of 35. I think the average age of an engineering student is 26.

    Look at it this way:

                It takes 4-5 years to complete an undergrad

                engineering degree. Long time right.

                You're 25 now.

                How old will you be in 4-5 years? 29 - 30.

                You going to be 30 anyways. You might as

                well be 30 with an engineering degree.

    Believe me you wont regret it. I started when I was 24 make good pay and love it!

    Just promise you'll make good use of it. btw CHOOSE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING!!!!!!!

  6. its never too old, kid

  7. No way is 25 too old to begin such a program. The longer you wait, the more you will feel that it is too late for you. Get yourself motivated and enroll in school now.

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