
Is 26 years old too....?

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I'm talking to my mother online right now

I have a busy day tomorrow and she keeps telling me to go to bed (yet she always has one last thing to say before I log off)

Is 26 years old too old to be told when to go to bed by your mother?




  1. Hi Mom! Well not really because as they say, "Mother knows Best"   I am 36 and my mom still tells me what to do so even if you don't take her advice still say, 'Thanks mom I will." It's just best that way.

  2. lol That is a bit old, however, I'm sure she's right if you have to get up early, and will be on the go most of the day. Very funny question.

  3. Oh my God, my mother is constantly telling me what to do.  And I have a kid of my own.  I think that mothers in general are just like that.  I still tell my little brother what to do even now and the bugger just turned 21.  It's a mom thing, we all are guilty of it.  My mother still gets bossed around by her mom, and she's well old enough to know what she's doing by now (you would think so at least).

  4. Mothers will always know what's best for their matter what age. Just be thankful that she cares. LOL!

  5. No. LOL.  I'd say the same thing to a friend if I knew they had a long day the following day

  6. lol yes 26 is to old for someone to tell you that you have to go to bed but I am 29 and my mom will say sometimes "you really need to go to bed or you will regret it" lol

  7. lmao.........unfortunately, you are NEVER too old to be told to go to bed or anything else by your mother.

  8. Nope.  Mothers always know what's best for their babies, no matter how old!

  9. I think it's cute! She means well, and I'm sure she knows you are old enough to make your own decisions but she cares! Your her baby, 26 or 56, she will always care about you. I wish my Mom wasn't a drug addict and still cared about me...I'm 23 and would love for one of my parents to tell me what to do LOL! But Daddy has been gone(deceased) for 14 years and...well, Mom is a long story. Oh well, at least I have my Grandma! Love her like crazy!

  10. You could be fifty six years old and she'd still tell you what to do. You're her baby. It's a mother thing and if your mother is telling you to go catch some z's, maybe you should consider it. :)

    Sleep sweet!

  11. not too old to be "advised" to go to sleep....but for her to actually expect you to listen and get mad if you dont....yes you are too old for that

  12. You will forever be your mother's child.

  13. If she tells you to go to bed, then yes.  If she makes a suggestion, then no.  

    My mom still tells me what I should wear, because I look so handsome in it.  It seems that she only lokes my looks if she picks my outfits.  I ignore her.  She still thinks I;m too old to be skateboarding, and that I should act my age.  

    I think they mean well, but they will never stop until they are gone.  Just give her an " I will as soon as I get done talking to you." Then do whatever you want

  14. Here's the thing.....We Moms do not get too old to tell our kids what to do -- and our kids do not get too old either!

    If my own Mom were still alive -- and she would be like 100! -- she would still be telling me what to do.

    The really cool thing about being grown up is that you do not have to do what Mom says!  (Just let her think that you do!)

  15. shes your mother, she loves you and does whats best for you

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