
Is 289 volts to much to hook up a 277 volt exit light to?

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Is 289 volts to much to hook up a 277 volt exit light to?




  1. No problem,  +/- 10% is a standard tolerance for voltage.

  2. No your fine. Voltages are never exactly 110,240,277 ect. They usually very depending on the system.

  3. Probably fine if the circuit was supposed to be 277 volts.

    How did you determine that it was 289 volts? If you used a common VOM (voltmeter), it is probably not telling you the truth.

    To accurately measure AC voltage, you need a "True RMS" meter. Any such meter will say True RMS right on it (so they can justify the $100 price tag). A common digital volt meter cannot be relied upon to give a true reading of a distored sine wave, especially common in industrial environments where there are non-linear loads such as large power supplies, inverter drives (variable speed motor control) and other such things that distort the waveform.

  4. It will still work. The voltage difference is not huge.

    An old fashioned tungsten light bulb will work ok. If you are using the more modern 'energy saver' bulbs then be sure that the supply frequency is the same.

  5. If you stay within ten percent of rated voltage, you should be fine.

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