
Is 2nd string quarter back a good position in football?

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Is 2nd string quarter back a good position in football?




  1. Well if the starter goes down and the 2nd string player can pick up the slack and do better, then it is good winning the job. But staying at the position isn't really fun sitting on the bench all game and still having to practice in the week.

  2. Being a 2nd string quarter back, gives you the chance to watch closely what the 1st string is doing.  You get to see how he reacts to certain defenses.  If you work hard and pay attention to details you may get your chance to move up.  Remember some great quarterbacks in the NFL was 2nd string, like Steve Young and Tom Brady.


  3. just being on the football team is great it takes commitment so if you go out there and give it your all thats all that matters

  4. Joe Montana was a second string quarterback.

    There's nothing at all wrong with being number two in a key position.

    Practice hard, work hard, play to the best of your ability and have fun.

    Make sure you have someone to film you playing...even if it's just one play every game. Get your play time on tape for college: It matters.

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