
Is 3 months too early to put your baby in daycare?

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My friend is putting her 3 month old in day care but that seems that normal?




  1. i think so, a bub really needs their mum for a while but it depends if she has to go to work or not if not and she is just wanting the baby in care then why would she have the poor thing in the first place.

  2. Most daycare centers take babies as young as 6-8 weeks. Some mothers dont have a choice or the luxury of waiting. They have to return to work or get a job due to financial reasons.

  3. Actually it is more common than you think.  Some day care centres even take babies as young as 6 weeks old.  In my opinion 6 weeks is too early but 3 months would be ok.  I also know alot of parents that have put their babies in daycare at 6 months.  I guess it depends on the reasons she is doing it.  If she is working or studying then I would imagine she may not have a choice in the matter.

  4. My daughter is 3 months and 2 weeks old..and I would never put her in daycare at her age. I barely want to leave her with my own family!...Putting your little baby practically newborn into the hands of complete strangers is just bizarre for me to even comprehend...but then at the same time I guess I understand the people that have to go with that option. Maybe mothers that work...and families that are far away from their relatives...they have no other choice. So don't judge your friend for putting her baby in daycare...that's probably the last choice she has...I'm sure she feels bad and uncomfortable about it as it just be supportive..

  5. I had to put my daughter into daycare at 4 months (in order to work to survive) it was the saddest ting i have ever done but now at 18 months she loves it

  6. For me, yes it would be too young. I was offered a job when my first baby was about 12 months old and I wasn't ready for the daycare experience. Some people don't have a choice though either because of employer restraints or financial reasons. I find it is best no to "judge" (I know that is a harsh sounding word, I don't mean to be harsh) people for the choices that work for them.

  7. Yeah. Work places only give woman 12 weeks for leave which forces them to put their babies in childcare so young. I am. Its so sad. Especially that I breastfeed her and were so close, but nowadays the mom and dad have to work to survive.

  8. I cant believe you only get mat leave for 3 mths.  Here we get a year!!!  But we are really short on daycare workers too!  I dont think that is right.  i would be petitioning against the government for longer mat leave!!!!  If your company hands it out then there should be a law saying that they have to pay you out for a year!

  9. yes cause alot of lil babyz there could be sick

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