
Is 3 onunces evry 3 hours to much to be giving my week old son?he weighs 6lb

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Is 3 onunces evry 3 hours to much to be giving my week old son?he weighs 6lb




  1. no! mine took 4-6 ounces every 2-3 hours and the doctor said it was fine

  2. no not at all my daughter was very greedy she was feed around 5-6oz every 2-3 hours there was no filling her we had to put her on a thicker milk as she wasnt getting filled and was lookin more bottles as soon as she was 3 months we put her on spoon feeds aswell and she was still looking 7oz bottles every 2-3 hours  

  3. No, some babies are just hungrier than others.  

  4. Hi twins were on this amount Kylie was 5lb9 and Thomas 6lb 3 i was told if they drink it all and drain the bottle to put it up an ounce , But 3oz is not too much sometimes they will be more hungry and want to eat more

  5. Please do not listen to anyone who says you cannot overfeed with formula. This is very dangerous.

    If you are breastfeeding at the breast, there is no such thing as overfeeding. As he draws closer to the end of the feeding, the milk is more difficult to draw out of the breast, and the sleep inducing enzymes will lull a baby to sleep.

    HOWEVER when bottle feeding, there is no natural regulation of quantity. Some babies cue when they are full by subtly pulling their heads away, stopping sucking, or trying to push the nipple out of their mouths, but at certain instances a bottle fed baby will eat far beyond their healthy capacity. It is also difficult to interpret their signals.

    Regarding formula, there is certainly a danger in overfeeding. A baby needs 2 oz every 3-4 hours. If there is still the urge to suck, allow the baby to use a pthalate-free pacifier.

  6. No feed him till he is full at that age less crying and will sleep longer

  7. That is by no means too much milk to be giving him. Every health care professional i have spoken has said to always feed a baby on demand as much milk as they want. Babies will not over feed. I feel it is cruel to force a baby wait 4 hours between each feed if they are indicating hunger before their next feed is due.

    Trust me, babies are not as dumb as some people make out and they will only take as much milk as they need.

    You could always try offering your baby a dummy (pacifier) if the baby seems to want to suckle but is not taking milk out of a bottle, however giving a dummy to an already hungry baby will do nothing to soothe it

  8. your son will stop when he is full.... he could get more than that on the breast & you wouldnt know!!

  9. When a baby is new,1 ounce seems to give the baby 1hrs sleep.When I gave my son 4 ounces,he would sleep 4hrs. Your doing fine. Let the baby have what it wants.

  10. If your son takes it, he wants it and obviously needs it.  You can't overfeed a baby, anything they don't need they will bring back up.


  11. your baby will only drink as much as he can,so if he drinks it all its not too much.

    he wont finish it if he is already full and if he does he will bring back up the excess amount.  

  12. hiya no that sounds about right,, some babies are hungrier than others

    my daughter was being breast fed but was also having a small bottle after as i didn't get enough milk to feed here,, when she went on the bottle she was taking nearly 6oz by the time she was 3 weeks old  

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