
Is 3 too old for crib?

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My son will be 3 next week.. I still have him sleeping in a crib because he sleeps so bad... I dion't know if thats too old for a child to be in a crib.. Also I'm not sure if he would get out of his bed during the night and I not know it... Can you help me??




  1. I believe it is way too old for a crib. Try putting your son in a toddler bed.

  2. It's probably not too old as long as he has plenty of room... but if he's getting out, then it's time to check out a toddler bed... and if you're worried about him getting out of bed at night, then try using a pet gate in his doorway... we did that for our "little night wanderer" and it kept him safe in his room even if he was out of bed.

  3. Maybe, maybe not. I actually never thought about it.  I guess it is up to the parent.

    Is he climbing out of the crib? If so , then yes he is too old for the crib. If he climbs out, he may fall and break a bone.

    But if he doesn't, and he's comfy where he is, i don't see a problem . But at this point, i would suggest introducing a toddler bed.

  4. Yes thats too sure he's climbing out of there on his own since he was 1 1/2.  If you're worried about him falling off the bed, you can buy railings for kid's bed.  its safer rather than him climbing out of the crib specially in the middle of the night when he's half asleep...

  5. edit

  6. By age 18 months you can introduce a toddler bed and by age 3 years they can sleep in a regular big kid bed.  It is best that you try, as he will be pottytraining soon and should be getting use to the idea of being a big boy before you start that.

  7. u should only take him out of crib if potty trained

  8. Yes, that's too old. He's got to be out of the crib to be potty trained, which you should have at least started to introduce him by now. I was in a regular twin bed at 16 months and fully potty trained at 18 months.

  9. Any of these 3 Options will do:

    1) When your child can "escape" from the crib (as our son was doing at just over 2 years old).

    2) They make an official request to have a "big kid" bed.

    3) You need the crib for your next baby.

    I know there are other variables that come into play as well. When my son moved to a toddler bed we already knew that baby #2 was on the way so I didn't have to bother storing the crib.

  10. id def start putting them into a bed, you can get some really good toddler beds that still have safty bars that you can take away. but id say 3 is a lil too old for a crib now. good luck

  11. most people i know when their kid turns 3 they get one of thes kinds that are partically a crib just have an opening in the bottom side so my answer is yes practically

  12. Tonight's my DD's first night in a "big girl bed." She's 4 years and 2 months old. My son moved to a "big boy bed" when he was 3-1/2. So, in my opinion, three is *not* too old for a crib, if the conditions are right.

    If  your child is too big to sleep comfortably in a crib, or if he is unsafe in the crib (climbs out, etc.) then it would definitely be time to move him. But if he is happy and safe in there, why rock the boat?!

    (Neither of my kids *ever* climbed out of the crib. DD will occasionally try to climb *in,* but never out. I also don't think it interfered with potty training (both of them were PTed before they were 3.) They just called me when they needed to get out of the crib.)

    We've also got a baby gate at the top of our stairs that we shut at night. Even though the kids can open it, I think I'd hear the ruckus!

  13. Do what is right for you and your family. My daughter will also be 3 next month and she is still in her crib. We've had lots of discussions about the big girl bed and she's just not ready for it yet. If your little one is crawling out and its a safety issue, then certainly move him. But if he's comfy, then let him be. There's no right age. I would just try not to change his world too much by starting potty training and moving to a big boy bed at the same time. Even if you start potty training first, you will have some time before you'll be working on night training.

  14. I can't imagine having a potty trained child in a crib.  While it doesn't happen often, kids need to be able to get out of bed to use the bathroom.  If your son isn't potty trained yet, how do you expect to if he's still in a crib?  I know people do it, but it has to be confusing for the child.  There you are saying that they need to be big boys and go use the potty if they need to, you encourage it all day long, and then at night you put them in a cage.  I know it's not often that a toddler needs to get up at night to use the bathroom, but they will at some point.  If that child is in a crib he has three options: climb out of the crib, yell and cry for someone to get him out of the crib so he can use the bathroom, or mess himself in his crib.  

    He's old enough to learn how to sleep in a bed, so it may be worth it.

  15. Yes, it is too old for a crib.  Most kids are in toddler beds or a regular bed of their own around 18 months to 2 years old.  You can always get mesh bed rail guards if you are concerned about him falling out in his sleep.

  16. He is YOUR son!! If you want him to be in a crib well then he is fine in a crib.

    My daughter is 3 1/2 and still in her crib. She has never tried to climb out and she is 99.9% potty trained. I haven't started working with her overnight though so that may be a different story...but sometimes she will wake up with a dry diaper and the pee in it before we reach the potty. But she also thinks haveing a diaper on means she can pee in it so... But every child is different every parent is different. If you feel safer with your son in a crib leave him in it. And to all those people who are 'shocked' or think 'he's too old' for a crib, well i can't type it here.

    Oh and if you haven't started potty training so what! There is no set time for it and you are not a bad parent because your child isn't potty trained by the time they are 2. A lot of those children will start wetting themselves again around 3 1/2! We had a little potty for my daughter just sitting around and one day she said she had to use was a really wasy process and i think it was because she was older and she was ready on her own.

  17. whattttttttttt? I was shocked with this question. sorry. shocked!!!!!!!

  18. I think he is too old, my twins are turning two in a couple of months and we are in the process of transferring them to toddler beds.

  19. I would say yes.  It's not only that he is too old for a crib, he is most likely too big for a crib.  You would not want your child to wake up and try to climb out on his own risking injury.  I would say invest in a toddler bed.  Perhaps as a birthday gift.  Make it an adventure.  Take him to the store and make it a big deal about how is becomming such a big boy.  You also may want to let him help pick it out or perhaps he would find a "character" bed (such as a race car) something exciting that he would look forward to sleeping in every night.

  20. i think it's time to transition from crib to toddler bed. You can get a rail for the toddler bed so he won't fall out

  21. it's just whatever works best for you and your child. Example: my daughter is potty trained so i need her to be able to get out easily in the middle of the night if she needs to use the restroom,  and she's 2.5 years old. And i think that even if she wasn't potty trained i still wouldn't make her sleep in a crib, because i wouldn't want her to get hurt trying to climb out.

  22. I would be concerned that a 3 year old can't get out of a crib?  Most kids can climb out of a crib by age two, and as soon as they can climb out it is too dangerous to keep them in a crib.

    You need to toddler proof his room (should be anyway) and then you can either put up a gate or an alarm on the door so you know if he gets up.

  23. I think its too old.. I would put him in a toddler bed, toddler proof the room and put a gate up in the door way if you are concerned he will get up and sneak around the house.

  24. I think so, I moved my son to a toddler bed when he was one. He was normal height and weight, it wasn't' that he was huge or anything. He wasn't climbing out either, it was just time. He didn't fight it either. I put a gate at the door and it's been fine. He fell off twice and didn't get hurt.

  25. My daughter is 2.5 and shes still in her crib.  I'm not rushing anything... she has no desire to crawl/climb out... so I'm leaving her in there.  She is a very WILD sleeper and I fear that if she were to be in a toddler bed/big kid bed she would just roll right out or something!  (Yes I know you can get those bedrails, but I know they dont always work- plus like I said she is quite a wild sleeper!)  I would say that if hes not actively trying to get out of his crib, than I wouldnt push it.  I think what we are going to do is get a "big girl bed" and we'll put that in her room- (probably around her 3rd bday- so in about 6 months) while her crib is still in there.. and if she shows interest in the bed than we'll try it out.  I had a friend do this and it took her son 6 months to finally get used to the idea of the bed.  But I wouldnt worry.. he'll transfer to a bigger bed when he's ready! =)  Good luck!

  26. i really dont know if thats 2 old but if u think he might get up and out of the bed i would keep him n there a lil while longer just so u can sleep at night, but it is all up 2 u.

  27. yes.

  28. What do you mean by "sleeps so bad".

    It's all about safety.  It may be a good idea to switch to a toddler bed as he may soon be able to climb out of the crib.  I would get also get a baby gate in the doorway to the bedroom and don't forget the baby monitor.

    All kids go through this phase differently and at different times.  Just be sure to make it a positive experience.

  29. Yes. By the time they are two they should be put into a toddlers bed.
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