
Is 3 years to big of an age gap?

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Me and my brother had NOTHING in common and we are 3 years apart... I always wondered it i was a little older that maybe we would have been closer. Whats a good age gap for sibling to be close and have things in common?




  1. I grew up in  family of 6 kids.  I was #5. I am closest to my second sister who is 9 years older than me, and my younger brother who is 16 months younger.  So it's not about the age gap, it's about PERSONALITY!

  2. My two girls are almost exactly 5 years apart, and while they do like some different things, they play together well and really enjoy one another's company.  My brother and I had very little in common as children, however now that we are adults who are both parents, we have a great relationship and see each other at least once a week.  No two children are alike, as are no two relationships... so there are as many combinations of getting along/not getting along as there are people.  My oldest daughter was old enough that she was out of the "me" phase of toddlerhood when her younger sister came along, and has always been a wonderful help with her little sister.  It just depends on the personalities of the kids.

  3. My oldest brother and I are 8 years apart..he treats me like a stranger. My other brother is 4 years older..we get along okay...better now than ever.  I have 2 kids.  My oldest is 21, my youngest is 7.  14 year age difference.  My daughter could babysit her baby was great!  They are really close and "Sissy" just loves her baby "Brudder"

  4. Pros and Cons to each: depends on what you as a mother want to raise. I personally have one and hes 3. We may not have another and if so then they would be at least 4 years apart. i never thought I would plan it like this ..i thought i would have 3 children all 2 years apart LOL..but raising kids in reality is a lot different and posses some limitations.

    There is no formula for having kids that get along and are close to each other...could be a girl/boy difference rather than age...and some personalities are just not compatible no matter how close or far apart they are!


    My sis and I are 15 mos children we fought a lot, now we are best friends and VERY close!

    Con being that my poor mom at one point had 2 babies in diapers/bottles and very needy.

    Although I am glad we are SO close in age!

  5. all siblings argue.

    its just how the wheel rolls.

    but i have come to realize that my sister, we're almost 10 years apart, and we like more things than my 4 year age gap with my other sister.

    i don't know though.

  6. It all depends on the kids.  

    My older sister and I are 18 months apart and are absolutely nothing alike at all.  We rarely see eye-to-eye on anything at all.  We didn't get along well when we were kids either.  I also have a younger sister who is 16 years younger than me.  We have always gotten along great and we try to spend a lot of time together.  

    I have 2 sons who are just under 3 years apart, and I think their age difference is perfect.  When I had my second son, my older one was just getting to that age where he could really entertain himself, which allowed me to devote time to the newborn.  He was also capable of helping me out if I needed anything (such as getting a diaper or burp cloth).  Now that they are 2 and almost 5, they get along great.  They play together all day and rarely get on each others' nerves.

  7. My Cousion, Fergie and her sister are 3 years apart!

    My Friend and her brother are 5 years apart!

    I think like a year apart!

  8. i think 2-3 years is a good difference.  My brother is 7 years younger than me and that is too much.  I graduated high school the same year he graduated 5th grade so we had nothing in common either, except for the fact that I had to watch him all the time.

  9. Me and my sister are 18 months apart and we fight I think all siblings are going to argue just because your around each other constantly.

  10. Well I don't think you could of really controlled that(:

    But it isn't that big of a gap compared to other kids. My sister and I are 3 years apart too. (I'm 14 shes 17) I think siblings will fight no matter what. But when you move out some how your relationship seems to get better.

  11. I honestly think 3yrs is a nice gap. I'm 10 yrs younger than my sister and we are close. I am 4 years older than my brother and we are close also. Although none of us have too much in common but we are all individuals. My son and daughter are 3 years apart and they get along great. I think it depends on the type of family you have as o how close siblings really are. We are all very close knit, hence the togetherness.

  12. I recently had my second son, 3 years after the first.  My sister and I were 2 years apart.  We fought like crazy all through childhood and the teen years, and we're best friends now.  As for my children, the pediatrician told me that age 3 is the worst time to introduce a new baby, becase they are at that time capable of cognitive thinking and how the baby affects them.  My oldest was not the "helper" I thought he would be, but they are doing well now.  I think that they will be far enough apart that they won't be competing, but close enough to have things in common.  BUT the preschool years are tough!

  13. i'm 2 years younger than my brother and we are complete opposites and don't get along so I always thought a larger age gap would have been better.

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