
Is 30 miles too far on a bicycle for someone who doesn't ride a whole lot?

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I go to school in the middle of nowhere, I need to get to the bus station, it's thirty miles away.

I'm a reasonably fit person, I ride my bike every once and a while 5-10 miles no problem, but I don't usually go much further. Would I regret trying to bike 30 miles or would it be not too bad?

It would be mostly flat highway driving. And I wouldn't be turning around and coming back for at least a few days.




  1. I think you'll be fine as long as you stop and rest a few time along the way. Make sure you have lots of water and food with you, and a patch kit in case you get a flat.  Worse case scenario - breaking down or tiring out - you call a cab to come get you.

  2. If you can do 10 miles no problem I think 30 should be just fine.  It may take about 2 hours (maybe longer if you are hauling stuff with you).  Make sure you take plenty of water and something to eat and you will be fine.

    Good Luck!

  3. You should be able to do this without too much difficulty, although 'highway driving' does make this more challenging than an easy trail ride.   I've found that the wind is the main opponent when biking distance since you say its relatively flat terrain.   Try biking 15 or 20 miles a few times to see how you feel and how long it takes.

  4. 30 miles is pretty far - but, with the right bike on flat road, it's not impossible to the average rider. Especially if you're not in a huge hurry and in somewhat good condition.

    Are you talking about riding your bike on the freeway? That wouldn't work.

    With that much distance, you're going to need safety gear.

  5. its pretty far but since its flat, it may be easier.

    try it out once! you never know

  6. I just rode 62 km a couple weeks ago, and last year I was in the hospital with stage 4 lymphoma, 30 miles is a breeze. Have fun.

  7. What type of bike is it?

    If it's in good condition I'd say it would take 2-2 1/2 hour on a MTB w/out any stops.

  8. Thirty shouldn't be all that difficult if you're reasonably fit.  I do bicycle rentals and I see all kinds come in the shop.  This should be no problem for you, esp. if the terrain is flat.

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