
Is 30 years old young or old?

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For those younger....does 30 seem old.

For those older....does 30 young.

Have you accomplished what you wanted to by this age?

(sorry for the 2 questions...)




  1. I am 24 and I don't think 30 is old at all. I believe its a great time for more maturity and experience. I think that reasonable accomplishments of a house, married, kids, a car and a career should be there by the time your 30. At least I want that for my self. I also think thirty is good when your healthy and your active. 30 is not 70, even 40 is young to me. I have friends who are in their 30's and 40's and they are energetic more than some 20 year olds. Its all about the mind of a person.

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