
Is 35% a fair rise for British Gas..?

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British Gas say it is fair and reflects what their costs are. Do you agree..? I may start lighting fires in my garden to cook on and keep warm this winter. What about you..?




  1. is it shite its bloody day light robbery.

  2. If the prices increase any more it may be cheaper to throw the servants into the furnace as fuel up at the manor (Not that its unheard of at the moment anyway) Tip top.

  3. It reflects general insecurities in energy supplies which are likely to get worse. Its not fair, but gas is not an unlimited resource and in Britain we are increasingly dependent on overseas supplies. It's also linked to oil prices, which you may have noticed increasing a little bit too...

  4. British gas is not British owned,Thank you Maggie.35% is a scandelous rise.

  5. Of course it isn't fair. It's bordering on ludicrous.

    Our economy is going to the dogs.. has been destined to go that way for quite some time!

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