Okay. I need answers and opinions from New Zealanders.
Someone I know is going to live in New Zealand. Well her monthly income's gonna be 3800 New Zealand dollars.
So.. is that enough to raise a family?
And is that gonna be considered poor, slightly underpriveleged, below average, average-average, above average or what? hehe.
I think she's the breadwinner of the family.. I just wanted to ask your opinions cause she asked my opinion about it and I havent the slightest idea. Hello. I'm only a teen and I dont live in NZ....
Please be frank. Thanks a bunch! :)
Oh yeah and can you give me sample monthly bills? Like an average electric bill, water bill thing, rent, groceries, bla bla bla. How much is a house? a car? gas? a krispy kreme??? haha. thanks.
oh and. is life easy there? are jobs easy to get? is it peaceful there? like, low crime rate and stuff?
Thank you so much.