
Is 'Is Bush the worst blah, blah, blah...' the least original question on YA?

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It's only asked about 100 times a day, when will these dummies get that it's Carter who really hurt this country?




  1. yea

  2. I don't know.....there's lots of unoriginal questions.  Here's a couple of other likely candidates:

    1) Where are the WMDs?  (Like stockpiles of chemical weapons, and yellow urainium cake doesn't count)

    2) Why didn't we kill Bin Laden (like he's hanging out at Red Robins eating a Mushroom-Swiss Burger)?

    3) Why did  Bush knock down the twin towers (It's a massive right-wing conspiracy)?

    4) Why didn't they count all the votes in Florida (like, they're gonna go back and give a consolation prize to Al Gore)?

    I'm getting really tired of the whole schtick.  Can these people just shut up already?  They're like hippies without a cause.  They don't even have Volkswagan busses and earth shoes.

  3. Lincoln was seen as the worst President in his time.  A hater and a warmonger.  He was assassinated by a radical who was associated with other radicals.

    George W. Bush is not the worst President of all time.  It is part of hype to hate him.  Honestly, I have supported him since day one.  Many people around me as well were part of the W. Hype, and since have been part of the O. Hype.

    In fact, I have had SEVERAL friends who in 2000 AND 2004 talked about their ideal President would be Senator John McCain.  Since, most of them have Obama stickers on their cars.

  4. Carter is not current problem.

  5. They don't think much for themselves. It's what they were told to ask.

  6. Only for the "fool me twice" crowd who are too embarrassed that they voted for the worst president in all of American history, not once, but TWICE!

  7. a close second to the McCain is older than?democrats and originality do not rhyme

  8. When you prove to me that Reagan didn't raid every fund on the face of the earth, like funds for VA hospitals, mental hospitals, college and university funds, just to make it look like he balanced the budget.  In fact, he reduced college registration 18%, and tuition trippled.  He put 2.8 million mentally ill people on the street.  He cut scientific study spending, especially when stem cell research was brand new.  But that's okay, Karma always rolls around, and he died an old man without a mind in diapers...mentally ill.  

  9. What are you talking about, Carter got the Vietnam bill and even had a plan to get us off foreign oil by 2000, that would be nice right now. Our economic problems trace back to Reagan lifting tariffs that use to protect our industrial might, now that the Republicans gave away our industrial might and Clinton signing the Republican NAFTA bill did not help China need the oil it takes to run our industrial might so we get poorly made c**p and higher gas prices.

  10. I dunno. Making fun of the mentally challenged has been a favorite and treasured pastime throughout European and American history. So, no.

  11. Having lived through both the Carter, and Bush administrations.  I am going with good ole GWB as the worse. There may have been a few days when there were lines for gas, but it didn't take a third of my pay check to fill the tank.  Just my opinnion, but I would trade those days under President Cater with the ones I am currently living under in a heartbeat.

  12. Absolutely.  Yet, most of these people were not alive during the Carter era.  Carter has recently been out there talking to HAMAS, do they understand the implications of that???  They blame Bush for other Countries hating us yet they do not factor in the Clinton administration when Al Quaida planned the 911 attacks and carried out the first bombing of the World Trade Center.  Selective memory maybe.

  13. no. questions about the jonas brothers are

  14. Carter was over 30 years ago.  This is the here and now.  Bush is the worst and that's a fact.

  15. It's either that or the endless variants of "Why do liberals cry and whine so much?  Do they have a mental disorder?"

    Oh yeah, and the questions about Carter too...

  16. mmm, it might be a tie with the stupid questions about whether Obama is Muslim.

    And going to have to disagree with you on the Carter thing, since he hasn't been president for the last 8 years, and didn't order troops into an unwinnable war in Iraq.  But, I guess you are tired of talking about that.

  17. “The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, {is Bush the worst blah, blah, blah...} is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.

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