
Is 'Raul Castro', puppet interim leader of Cuba, a Narco-communist drug trafficker ?

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Do you think narco-communist Raul Castro, the leftist puppet, and interim leader of Cuba, is a criminal and a terrorist ?

Experts say the cocaine drug flow from Colombia to Florida via Cuba and prostitution are the only two ways of income in Cuba! ( Jeb Bush has also profits )

what do you think about it?

Is Cuba a leftist puppet banana republic?


An Evil Communist Tyrannic Regime ?




  1. Here are some questions for you: Do you have drug problems in your country? Can we say the same thing about the head-of-states in your country? Why drugs flow TO Florida? How many drug addicts are in Florida? What is the US government doing to stop americans from financing the drug industry? What is the problem with people who want to try drugs for the first time?

    If thousands of people want to get rid of the government they have, they will, no matter what. If they really want it... Let the cuban people live the way they want.

    Your lake of respect for other people's country is astonishing.  

  2. I doubt very much he is a puppet but maybe is tougher than his older brother.  I find it amazing that the people in Cuba have not revolted to overthrow this evil government.

  3. I think Cuba is a leftist puppet regime.

    It is so  interesting to see how the media propagandists, try to avoid this issue of  illegal and criminal drug trafficking between Cuba and Florida!!!!!... and instead they attack, bash and defame Mexico!!!

    I think violence in Mexico is imported by the same people that try to avoid this issue.

    Shame on them!

    I would like to watch to Lou dobbs, Glen Beck, Rush limbough, Michael Savage and other G0P propagandists  on TV debating this topics, unfortunately, they are pu'ss'ies and weak to face Free Speech.

  4. Raul Castro is no "puppet".  He rules by an iron fist, in many ways, harsher than his brother, Fidel.

    It is not surprising to learn that the Cuba government is somehow involved in trafficking drugs to US.  After all, US has tried their darnest to hurt the Cuban government and indirectly her people since the 1960's.  

    I wish that both US and Cuba can forgot the conflicts in the past, and be neighbourly to each other.  

    I know, I know, I am a dreamer.

  5. YES

  6. A puppet

  7. Yes!  It is a leftist puppet banana republic evil communist tyrannic regime.

  8. Is anyone else tired of this same question being asked again and again every few days on YahooAnswers? Is anyone else thinking that all of these different Yahoo profiles for this same question asked again and again are actually all just one person?

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