every single day we hear about congestion, traffic, pollution, global warming, dissapearing rain forrests and all the rest and all those do gooders come on tv critisizing humanity simply for wanting a better life!!
it is fundamental character in all humans that we want a better life, to prosper and be better off and surely the answere can never be to replace your BMW 3 series or the latest, most comfy family car with a G-wizz and have your kids cramped in the back like sardines.
nobody seems to talk about the cause of the problem, the spiraling human population. if countries get together and agree to reduce their population size, lets say by 25% or so by 2050, simply through education and birth control with everybody taking part..would'nt that be a real solution?? would it not reduce global warming, congestion, housing problems and so on with every single person reaping the benefit?? I know the argument is that the economy will suffer (as productivity decrease) but thats not the case if all industrialized countries take part.
what do you think??