
Is't expensive to visit italy in the summer?

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my friend told that am gonna need so much money if i want to visit italy in the summer..i mean i come from a middle class family and we are a big family actually so let's say i wanna go there for a month and i wanna visit roma and another city lets say vience!! how much will that cost me..and plz write down some of the best places to visit while being there.

just to let u know i have a place to stay!! so i won't need to pay for that!!





  1. It all depends on what you want to spend your money on. I was in Florence for a month. I stayed with a friend in a 3-month leased apartment. I thought the restaurants were reasonably priced. If you are just having coffee and a pastry, stand at the counter! Sitting at a table often ups the price. Go online, research!! I stayed at Hotel Fiamma in Rome, near the train station, pretty cheap, clean, nice folks.. The hotels near the Coleseum tend to be higher, but great deals can be found. I am not wealthy. I did not make massive amounts of purchases of stuff, I selected carefully. Go to the markets, and bargin with them. It is expected.

    Be NICE to Italians, they are wonderful people, and they actually like  visitors to their country. But they (like I am) are sick  of loudmouthed demanding Americans who give the rest of us a bad name.

    Do not go in August, as a GREAT many Italians close up shop and go on vacation for the month. It is quite hot so ask for air conditioned rooms, as it is uncommon for Italians to utilize them (and elec. is more expensive).

    Wear light weight long pants as shorts are not something Italians feel is proper dress. And always take something with a sleeve if you plan to visit cathedrals ( and you simply must! they are beautiful) as bare arms are frowned upon.

    Italians are very easy going and laid back. Very casual. Time is slower there, by that I mean, they are not dominated by schedules or "posted hours".

    So, good luck, and "Poi Vediamo!"  (loosely translated: Later perhaps. )The point is to let go of firm plans and be prepared to do things spur of the moment. There is MORE than enough to marvel at!

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