
Is $4.47 for a 1/4 b lb. burger and fries expensive?

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Ok I work at a small lesser-known fast food chain. Not gonna say which one just because.

Anyways this lady just came in and like screamed at me and pretty much went pyscho on me because the burger and fries came to $4.47. Granted, if she would have asked for a combo meal it would have been a better price including the pop but we didnt get far before she ran off.

This is a high quality 1 / 4 lb burger (not a crabby, greasy mcdonalds or burger king kind) and a decent size large fries. This is not that expensive in my opinion. If you get a meal at Arbys its usually over $6. Culvers is even more than that.

Was she psycho? Yes or no?




  1. That seems like  a reasonable price. I'd pay that if the food tasted good.

  2. Very much so.

  3. of course, this lady was crazy! if your saying this place doesn't have trashy food, then thats a great deal. i guess some people are just weird...

  4. Cole is wierd

  5. How old was that lady?

    It may not be expensive in YOUR eyes, but might be in HER eyes.

    For example, I remember thinking that gas was beoming expensive at 44 cents per liter; look at the price now: $1.20 per liter.

    It might have been the first time she went out.

    If so, she might be used to $1.00 burgers; you don't know.

    (not too long ago I met an elderly lady who was amazed that they 'now' have food that you can take out: she can't go out that often).

    Why did you not do your job and in a calm voice explain that a combo is cheaper, or better yet, give her the combo and charge her the lower amount at the time that she ordered?

  6. Yes she is can't get a burger and fries (decent) much cheaper, unless you are ordering off of the dollar menu.

  7. That's cheap. That woman has obviously never eaten anywhere but her mom's house before. :P

  8. YES psycho

    The price is fine The owner of the company Knows what it cost to make. and they know what the bills are. she has no concept of economics. She thinks that water is free. I cant eat at home for less than $4.00

  9. She's an (   *   ) just for yelling at you the way she did. and if 4 dollars is too much spend(typical when you eat out at fastfood places) then she has no business going out to eat.

  10. This is actually a very good price for a burger and fries,and for quality food. you could almost get $5.50 out of it. I am a cook at a pizza & steakhouse and burgers range from 3.45- 3.95 without fries. we also have steak sandwich and Gyros that come with fries. i think 4.47 is an awsome price, that lady was psycho.

  11. No $4.47 isn't expensive at all.  Not to me anyways.  Yes the woman is psycho.  some people think that things are supposed to be super cheap now a days.

  12. no its not expensive

    u know whats expensive

    is when me and my bf went to texas road house and the bill was like 30 dollars

    we didnt even order that much

    so that lady must be on crack

  13. People need to get a better grip of reality, go out buy the hamburger meat, buy the buns, buy the toppings, cook the burger.  Go out buy your fries, buy your grease and prepare the fries.  Price the time factor.  In my area of Atlanta a decent burger is over $3.00 and a order of fries is $1.50...

    She needs to get with it...

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