
Is 40,000 dollars a good annual?

by Guest65990  |  earlier

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Is 40,000 dollars a good annual?




  1. well what kind of job do you have?  that's what matters to determine the annual.

  2. Your question needs to add three important facts:  your age, the tax in your state on the income, and the cost of living in your area.  Americans are great about listing their gross salary as their salary.  That is one of the reasons, I think, people overspend vs. their income.  Emotionally, I think consumers think their income is $40,000.00 instead of a more realistic $32,000.00.  I think you must always work and learn.   Take classes to improve your future earnings capacity.  Time is on your side.

  3. yeah its enough to live by comfortably, especially if you are single.

  4. Where do you live?  What education do you have?  What experience do you have?

    Answer these questions and we can more accurately give you an answer.

    40K is an good salary if you live in Missouri.  But it really sucks if you live in California.  If you have just a high school education it is a good salary.  If you have a PhD from Harvard it really sucks.  

    See where I am going with this?

  5. Depends on where you live and the job. If you are CEO of a company living in New York city, no. If you are working at a gas station in a farmer town of 500 people, then yes.

  6. In Mexico and CA, you would live like a billionaire in the US.

  7. It really depends on where you live and what the job is.

    If you live in a wealthy city, it's probably just enough to get by. If you live in a rural area, it's probably a pretty good salary.

    Just learn to live within your means, regardless of what you're earning. It's a pretty decent wage in any case, in that it doesn't fall in the poverty category-- unless you have a large family support on that salary alone.

  8. well it depend on how wold you are

    If you  are about 18-24 i think that pretty good

    but after that you should be making more than 40,000

    and what is your job?

  9. no

  10. It depends on where you live...

    in upstate NY...yes.

    In the city or

  11. depends on the job.

    but yeah, you well above the poverty line, just don't live beyond your means.

  12. Yes.

  13. For what? It depends!

    $44,000 a year is roughly the US modal income (the amount that most people earn)...

  14. depends on where you live and what job.  If you're just getting out of college and youre single then yeah it's fine

  15. I can't tell you what is good and what is not good, it depends on your expenses. The advice I will give you is, "It doesn't matter how much you make, its how much you keep"

    I know plenty of broke people that earn 3x as much as you.

  16. not bad you should make about 1000 every two weeks after taxes if you are single

  17. No.

  18. to me it is i dont have job im only 14.

  19. Depends on the job, but for most people that is the amount of money you need to be able to pay for everything, and not be worried about debt. But if you start buying too much stuff then you will get into trouble.

  20. Depends on where you live, what you do, how old you are and what your expectations out of life are.

  21. It all depends:

    To begin with where you live plays a major part: If you live in Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee, or the Carolina's  These before stated states have the lowest CPI indexes.

    If you live in New York, California, Florida, and any of the New England states 40k may mean barely making ends meet.

    Also your living arrangements plays a huge role. With no kids in a low CPI state 40k is not bad. With one or two children, and both parents making 40k in a low CPI state the living situation may be comfortable.

    The final factor that would have to be considered is comparable worth. If they are offering 40k is there companies offering 50K to do the same thing? Do research and evaluate benefit packages, tenure based packages, and perks.

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