
Is 40 wks the average for having a baby? How many weeks were you when you gave birth?

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Is 40 wks the average for having a baby? How many weeks were you when you gave birth?




  1. Probably is the average, and that is why they estimate the pregnancy to last 40 weeks.  I was just 3 days shy of my due date.  Early, Thank God, because at that time every day counts.

  2. 39 weeks

  3. HI...I was 42 weeks with my first and still had to be induced.  Was dialated like 2 cm for about 2 or 3 weeks.  Hopefully my next will be more on time.

  4. I gave birth at 39 weeks

  5. I think the average (including preemies) is like 37 weeks.

    I myself was 42 week 3 days with my first child, and am expecting my second child in the upcoming weeks. I'm currently 37 (almost 38) weeks and not expecting to deliver before 40 weeks due to family history.

  6. 37-40 week pregnancy is considered a full term pergnancy. After 40 weeks there are risks, thats why when you get to the 1 or 2 after, the doctors usually induced. Most women, especially first time moms have their babies late.

    I was 39 weeks to the day when I had my little girl. It was a full moon that day, so I'm blaming that lol.  

  7. 40 weeks and 4 days

  8. 39 weeks. =)

  9. first - 40 wks 2 days

    second - 39 wks

    third - 38 wks

  10. I was 38 weeks and 4 days

  11. 38 weeks

  12. I was 40 weeks exactly, but they say it's rare to have your baby on your due date. Anywhere between 37-42 weeks is normal.

  13. Between 39-40 is good, I gave birth 4 days before my due date, it might depend on if this is your first child or not. Usually they say it may take longer if it is your first baby.

  14. i was 39 weeks....  

  15. I was exactly 4o wks & 2hours


  16. 39wks

  17. 40 weeks is average yes. I gave birth to my son at 36 weeks. He is my first and only, and he was ready to come out and play:)

  18. Yes, yet the average is between 36-40 weeks. Before 36 weeks is premature.

    I was in my 39 weeks twice when I gave birth with my 2 kids, both CS.

  19. 43 weeks

  20. I was 38 weeks and it was my first baby.  Hoping for the same with the second!

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