
Is $46.20 too much for a backpack?

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my family has money troubles but i really want this northface backpack. i don't know whether its worth it or not. i will use this for the rest of high school. should i feel guilty?




  1. yes. come on, it's just a backpack. shouldn't having food on the table and paying bills be a bigger priority? besides, i doubt you'll use it for all of high school because people usually stop wearing backpacks and styles and tastes change. you don't need this, don't be a vain makes any outfit look bad.  

  2. My parents are going through a divorce, so we have moolah problems too =]  $45 is actually an average price for backpacks nowadays, and I'm sure it's worth it.  HowEVERRRR, you may want to look for a backpack from CVS or Staples or something instead.  I got one for $15 before.  Also, I doubt you will actually use it for the rest of high school.  You'll probably want a new one next year.  You should NOT feel guilty.  It is a practical item that you actually need.  I suggest snapping up a few babysitting jobs to pay back your 'rents =]

  3. 2 much for a backpack

  4. if you are planning on using this backpack all through high school, you are actually saving your family money by buying a packpack tht wont fall apart instead of one that will break and having to buy a new one the next year! its definatley worth it--u dont need to feel guilty at all!

  5. yep, unless you have $46.20 to spare

  6. I think it is, you should try something affordable and really cute, im sure there are lots of cute things in stores for not more than 30 or 20 dollars. Try target, or clothing stores.

  7. try going to like hot topic they have really cute back packs and some of them are cheap like 19 dollars and they have really cute ones they arent weird or anything

  8. um well if ur family is having money troubles then yes

  9. It is a lot if your family is having money problems.  My dad used to tell me you have to learn to make sacrifices.  On the other hand, my neice and nephew got a backpack each for around $20, but they always need a new one by mid year.  If this is a good quality backpack that will last, it's worth it.  Do you have money saved so you can pitch in to make it easier on your parents.  If you do and it's what you really want, it'll be worth it.  Good luck!

  10. yeas!

    its to much especially if your family is having money trouble.

  11. i feel the same way. we're not having a big money problem but with gas prices getting higher and everything, its getting tight. i always feel guilty about shopping,too. my mom took me shopping for clothes yesterday and i got some clothes and then i had told her about a 30 dollar bag and she was like lets go look at it and i felt really bad! good thing they didnt have it in the storee. 46.20 is a little pricey but if youre going to use it for the rest of high school then i think its good. maybe try babysitting and saving up the money or depending how old you are, get a job at your favorite clothing store so you can get discounts (: hope i helpedd.

  12. Yes. I am having money problems too, like yeah, and I have a little one to send off to school too. BUT I have an extra never used backpack someone gave me you could have till you get back on your feet and can buy the more expensive one. It's nice but it's plain green/black. Let me know.

  13. If you're going to use it for the rest of high school, that's fine.

    Listen; your gonna use it for four years.

    Average number of school days is 180.

    180 x 4 = 720 days.

    720 days divided by $46.20 is 0.06416.

    So that's about 7 cents a day for the rest of your high school career.  

  14. I agree with earning the money yourself to get the backpack. But, no I don't think that is too much money for a backpack to last 3-4 years and beyond.

    Try ebay and amazon.  Does it have to be new?  Perhaps with a little hard work and looking you can get what you want for less.

    Good luck

  15. Well if your family is having money troubles then yes I think that is too much for a backpack. What grade are you in and you say you will use it for the rest of high school, that is what you say no until next school year when you want a new backpack. If I was you I would just wait until it goes on sale (around January) and then it should be cheaper, around $23!!

  16. i think u could live without one, but if you really want it, and youll use it for a while, you could get one

  17. If you use it for the rest of high scool ( i hope meaning 4 years) then it's a good deal. Becuase if yo consider buying a new backpack every single year, it's going ot end up being even more expensive. Even though your family is havign money troubles right now, tell them, that you may be spending a lot right now, but at least it'sll last 4 years so you don't have to buy another one.

    answer mine please?

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