
Is 5'4" 1/2 short?

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My friend and I are 13 and are going into the eighth grade. She's 5'2" 1/2. She just went for a complete check up and the doctor told her she would only grow up to be 5 feet and 4 1/2 inches tall. She's really bummed because I'm taller than her and we both play sports (volleyball & others). Do u think 5'4" 1/2 is too short to play volleyball? Is it even THAT short at all? I'm going to be 5'8" and she's jealous of me!




  1. according to volleybal;l it is short

  2. im 15 im 5'4,im in going to the 11th grade no one picks on me girls think im sweet.its kind of short but who cares just be who u are,volleyball does not require much height youll be you know EVA LONGORIA she is 30 years old she is only 5'1 look at her everyone likes her.

  3. Doctors can't say how tall you will be.  That is average height.

  4. It's probably a bit short to play professionally, but it's completely average.  That said, there are basketball players who are only a few inches taller than that, and they made careers for themselves surrounded by 7.5 ft giants.  If she wants to keep playing, there's nothing stopping her.

  5. Anyone can play volleyball it doesn't matter ur size...hope this helps!!!!

  6. you're both only 13, if you're 5'4 now, you can probably grow to 5'10 if you keep playing sports, or maybe more

    your friend too

    doctors are wrong about this, they can't predict height

  7. The average height for a girl I believe is 5'6", so 5'4" 1/2 is really basically average. As far as volleyball is concerned, it really depends.  Usually height helps for blockers and hitters simply because they don't have to jump as high to block or hit.  However, a shorter girl with a well developed vertical jump can be just as effective.   The bad thing about height in volleyball is that generally the taller you are the harder it is to pass accurately.  So given your height, if you could learn to accurately pass and dig, you'd be ideal for a Libero.    And this is the same with other sports as well.  For instance, in basketball your center is going to be tall.  You need tall players to win tips and block inside shots, but the guards are some of the shorter players and they can use thier height to their advantage because by keeping the ball low to the ground they are able to have superior control and it makes it much harder for defenders to get at the ball.

    So all that being said I think there are several important things to remember:

    1) You both are still growing and doctors can't predict height very well.   Even if they could, there are always exceptions so you just don't know

    2) Sports are about athleticism. Everyone has a different body which has different strengths and different weaknesses, the players who learn to take advantage of thier body and overcome thier weakness will be the most successful

    3) Unless you are planning on going into professional sports, which it doesn't really sound like you are then just relax and enjoy the game.  Don't you have enough things to worry about at 13?  You have the opportunity now to play these fun games, stop worrying and just enjoy it.  All too soon your going to have to get a job and won't have much time for sports.  So work hard, have fun, and don't worry about anything else!

  8. well im 5'4" too. and i play volleyball as well. just tell your friend that it matters how well you play, not how tall you are. even tho being tall has its advantages, being short does too.

  9. No,

    5'41/2" is fine for a woman..

    There are taller women and there are shorter women...

    There is a NBA player who is 5'4" tall..

  10. im 5' so i guess that can be considered average.  good for you!

  11. Who cares??? BE YOURSELF AND BE HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE!!!  Guys like girls who are cool...that is, those who are comfortable with who they are.

  12. Well, I'm 27 years old and i'm only 5'0, my mother is shorter than me. I wouldn't go on what the "charts" say, it's pretty much all genetics as long as you are healthy otherwise :)

  13. It's about average so don't even worry about it.

  14. 5'4" and half is not short. I have a lot female friends that are shorter than her but plays very good in volleyball. Don't let height interfere here to excel in sports. Tell her that she can excel in other parts of the game.

  15. for a girl it isn't short

  16. I'm 5 feet I'm jealous of her & you both!

  17. I am 5'2" 1/2 and I played volleyball form 6th to 9th! I have a friend that is not even 5 foot yet and she played volleyball! So its not to short!
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