
Is 5'5'' Short for my age?

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I just turned 13 in june and i am 5'5''. Are predictions of height at birth accurate at all? Anyway, for 13 years old is 5'5'' short?




  1. wow man thats big if your not lying.. im 14 and i have a 4".. Dude your lucky the average male size is 6", well mine will keep growing till im like 20 so it might turn out to me 6-7idk but tbh yours might stop growing at like when ur 16, so it might stop at 6 or maybe 6.5. atleast you have something to brag about for the time being.

  2. If you were a lot shorter than you were before, and in a few years you grew a foot or several inches, then its safe to assume that you've hit your growth spurt. If your uncles and aunt tell you you're growing taller everyday ( kinda like me) then its safe to assume that your growth spurt isnt over. If you've stayed around your height for a few years now, then its safe to assume that you've hit your growth spurt and stopped, or you've not yet it that spurt. Many predictions can be made, but only time can accurately decide what you get. I'm 15 and 5

    9...its not too tall, but neither were my parents. If your parents are around your height or shorter, then you can safely assume that you'll probly remain around that ehight area...=D

  3. i just turned 14 and 5'6.5"

    ur perfectly normal

  4. your at a good height for 13.

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