
Is 5-6 minutes too long for a wedding processional?

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I have two songs I want to play during the processional at my November wedding. They are both very non-traditional and I want my bridesmaids to walk into the first song.

My soon-to-be husband and I are actually walking in to together and I want us to walk into another song, after it has played for about 1 minute.

Both songs are approx. 2 1/2 minutes long. We will have 4 bridesmaids/groomsmen pairs walking into the first song. The aisle of the church is pretty typical in length.

I'm concerned that a 5-6 minute processional is really that going to be Ok? Or is everyone going to be sitting around going "Geez, this is taking forever!"




  1. It wouldn't be a big deal for the wedding party song to be 2.5 minutes. They'll just go in and stand up at the alter and wait. There's usually a pause between then coming in and the bride anyway.

    However, if you and your groom walk in at 1 minute into the song, it'll take about maybe 30 seconds to get down the aisle?? So you're going to be standing there for about 60 seconds waiting on the song to end. Doesn't seem like a long time, but it will be a really awkward pause. I'd consider only playing part of the song. Start at the 1st chorus and continue, or start at the beginning and play through the first chorus or whatever, then fade it out when you are up there at the alter.  

  2. Here is a more practical solution:

    You can have one verse and/or any other additional portion without much singing (like the 5-10 seconds instrumental portion of the song) removed to shorten it when the DJ plays it.  This makes could cut you back to about 4-5 minues!  

    It's what I'm gonna do for my 2 songs.  Instead of stopping the music abruptly when the party is done walking up and it is my turn, I will time the length of the song so it ends when they're up there with 20 seconds buffer time.  Then it fades away aas usual, and my song will start immediately with just one verse and the chorus twice then fades away.  It will be sooo nice!!  

    (Anyhew, make sure he has the shortened version of the songs befor the wedding statrs!!!)

  3. It does seem to be on the long side, but I've seen longer.

    Here are some things to think about:

    Do you need to have these songs during the ceremony, or can you possibly use them as introduction songs at the reception? It might be easier to reserve one of the songs for later.

    Have you done a trial run of these songs? Think about how awkward it might be for your wedding party to pace their walks to these songs. If it's not weird for them, go for it.

  4. I think there will be a lot of extra music if you play 5-6 minutes of music. I say, play only enough of the song for you and the bridesmaids to walk down to. Once the bridemaids are in place, fade it out. Then start you and your husband's song. When you're settled, fade that one out.

  5. I really don't think you should what everyone else will think.  If this is what you want do it.  I have been to weddings where the processional is 30 minutes long.  No kidding.  They each had 20 yes 20 people on their sides it was ridiculous.  I think 5 minutes is really short.  I would not worry about it at all.

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